New Cycle Log. Test P & Tren A. Thoughts?


New member
• Age: 28
• Height: 6ft 2
• Weight: 230lbs
• Bf: 12%
I’m going to run ROHM Test P & ROHM Tren A (mixed in the same barrell) They’re both 100mg/ml

• Weeks 1-8 0.25ml (of each compound) EOD. Then if sides are tolerable will bump it up to 0.5ml EOD. Then if they’re still ok, I might consider going up to 1ml EOD this is so I can see how my body reacts to Tren. I also couldn’t decide whether to run Tren higher or the Test, so much like this dosage, this will take some trial & error.
• Weeks 1-8 Adex 0.5 E3D (will increase if necessary)
• Caber 0.25 twice a week (same script as Adex)
• HCG 500iu once a week (same script as Adex)
• PCT (starting 2-3 days after cycle) Clomid 100/100/50/50. Nolva 40/40/20/20.
This will be my first cycle with Tren. My 4th cycle in total.
Blood work will be done post cycle & I’ll put up the results. I have a blood pressure monitor at my place of work to make sure the tren isn’t sending it sky high.

Cals 3500-4500. 250-350g protein. 250-400g carbs. 80-100g fat (Sat fat kept below 20g) Clean bulk & no alcohol, caffeine, pain killers or any other drugs of any kind.

I train the whole body (yes the whole body) EOD. With emphasis on building strength & muscle size. I do 6-10 exercises, 3-5 sets & anything from 2-50 reps. Typically starting of training in powerlifting territory then burn out after with moderate to heavy weights either a high rep set or 3 sets 10-12 reps, 30-60 secs rest. I change the exercises to shock my body, this works well for ME. 8 months ago I left the Parachute Regiment weighing 13st (light for my height) I’m now well over 17st & bf has only crept up 2%

10min moderate cardio to warm up
1. Pushing exercise (press) Bench press, incline bench press, weighted dips, smith machine, etc.
2. Pulling exercise. T-Bar rows, weighted pull – ups, seated rows, etc.
3. Arms. An exercise for flexsion & extension at the elbow, bis & tris!
4. Raise. An exercise for the shoulders, dumbbells, cables, barbells machines, either to the front, side or rear, etc.
5. Pull over with dumbbell, cable or machine.
6. Shrugs, machine, barbell, dumbbells... Whatever I feel like, whatever is free!
7. Lower body exercise. I alternate between Squats, deadlifts, leg presses, etc.
8. Abs I do 5 sets of stop eating so much junk! & lower back gets a pounding during squats & deadlifts.
9. I may throw in an overhead press from time to time.
10. I use the forearm roller to get the ‘popeye’ effect.

On days off I may do 30-60mins of moderate cardio.
The key thing in my routine is flexibility! This is the way I want to run it & this is what I think will work best for ME, it worked well in previous cycles. There’s a little room for manoeuvre if things don’t go smoothly. Cheers for reading & stayed tuned.
First injection went smoothly. Still treading carefully. Going to do 50mg of both Test P & Tren A for the next jab, will try that a couple of times, then taper up to 75mg of each & then maybe 100mg.
Just on the off chance someone might be reading this, I thought I'd update, haha. Second jab went smoothly, bumped it up to 50mg tp & 50mg ta. Feel good in the gym already, maybe that's just placebo... But pumps are definitely noticeable & muscles feel fuller & tighter. No unwanted side effect as of yet but to early to tell I suppose. Not sleeping as much though!

Also re-assessed my training program doing the 3 day split, push, pull & legs. Appetite is just as good if not better. Clean bulking.
Good luck bro! Been a while since I ran tren but I loved it! The sleepless nights were rough at first
Ok, jab 3 today. Did 100mg tp & 50mg ta. Zero sides so far & pip is bearable.

According to my scales at work I've put on 4lbs? I've been on 5 days now & my stomach feels tighter, my upper body feels wider...! Eating anywhere from 7 to 10 meals a day, veg every other meal. Clean bulk, eating no junk! Appetite is up! Blood pressure has increased slightly & so has my pulse.

I'll attempt 75mg ta next jab & continue with 100mg tp. Enjoying it so far & people are already noticing a change in my appearance.
Are you planning to continue the amout of cardio? As I upped my tren I dropped the cardio down a little
To be honest this week I've only done 2 x 30min cardio at a moderate intensity, but today & yesterday I have been out walking all pretty much all day which counts for something & I nearly always do 10min before a workout. I want to keep it up as best I can.

I've re-assessed what I'm doing with the dosages & this coming week I was planning on running 75mg tren a & 50mg test p ed. The reason for this is I seem to get extremely grouchy on days I haven't jabbed. So the plan is to keep the test round a trt dose or a little higher & keep the tren at 75mg ed...
This cycle does not look good to me.

Starting at 88mg of test a week a way too little. You need to at least run a replacement dosage of test when cycling.

For that dose of test, there is no way you will need 1mg of Adex. On previous cycles, how much test and Adex did you run? Where did that put your E2?

hCG works best when it is injected twice a week.

Clomid dose looks a little high if I remember right. I am on TRT so I don't have to worry about PCT.

Why won't you be running mid-cycle blood work?

I hope you are finding the help you are looking for here.
This week I've ran ta/tp @ 25/50, 50/50, 50/50 & 75/75mg. So 225mg Test P.

This week I've used 0.25mg adex twice & 0.5mg caber twice. I personally think using Caber alone will be good for this cycle to keep prolactin sides at bay. But I haven't used the HCG at all. I've decided I'm going to start it @ week 5 & run it twice a week until the end of the cycle. Taken this approach in previous cycle & it has worked well. So a slight change from the original plan.

Previous cycle was with test400 jabbing 1ml e4d & I was using 0.5mg adex e3d.

What clomid dosage would you recommend?

Blood work mid-cycle... I was 50/50 on that one but if you recommend I will consider it...
So can you lay out your cycle again with all the changes you have made incorporated. It sounds like you are saying Post #1 does not represent your cycle.

In the Anabolic Forum, there is a sticky thread called Ology FAQs. There are some great threads link in there on what to run for PCT.

Are you finding the help you are looking for at Ology?
I will read that sticky.

BTW in my last comment it was meant to say 0.25mg Caber & 0.5mg Adex twice a week.

I made it clear I wanted a little room for manoeuvre & a bit of flexibility in my first post. I did say that I may increase the dosage of my AIs & partly the reason for this is because I'm starting off small with both compounds. More Tren means a slightly higher dose of HCG, etc. The 25mg Tren & 25mg of Test was just me easing into the cycle, I was treading carefully with Tren, this is how I decided to start it, but the adex dose actually sufficient after tapering up through-out the week. Again this approach has worked well for me in the past. It's kept sides at bay & allowed me to bounce back healthy after my post cycle check up.

Cheers for your input & I'm taking your advice & having a mid-cycle check up. Have a look below & tell me what ya think.

Here's what I have so far...


***8226; Weeks 1-8 0.25ml (of each compound) EOD. Then if sides are tolerable will bump it up to 0.5ml EOD. Then if they***8217;re still ok, I might consider going up to 1ml EOD this is so I can see how my body reacts to Tren. I also couldn***8217;t decide whether to run Tren higher or the Test, so much like this dosage, this will take some trial & error.
***8226; Weeks 1-8 Adex 0.5 E3D (will increase if necessary)
***8226; Caber 0.25 twice a week (same script as Adex)
***8226; HCG 500iu once a week (same script as Adex)
***8226; PCT (starting 2-3 days after cycle) Clomid 100/100/50/50. Nolva 40/40/20/20.


* Weeks 2-8 100mg Test P & 100mg Tren A EOD (may decrease if sides outweigh the gains)
* Weeks 2-8 0.25mg Adex E3D
* Weeks 2-8 0.25mg Caber E3D
* Weeks 5-8 HCG 500iu Twice a week
* PCT 2-3 days after cycle Clomid 50/50/50/50 Nolva 40/40/20/20

I've progressively worked up to 75mg Tren over the first week, it's taken some trial & error with the dosages & still unsure about whether to run tren higher or test higher, so to that end I'm going to run them at the same dosage. Tomorrow is the start of week 2 & going to attempt 100/100 of each.

Zero sides so far. If they do start & are to much to bare, I may taper back down to 75mg.

I've gained 4kg in the first week & my bench has flown up 10kg - did 10 sets of 10 reps on 100kg 5 days ago, today I did 10 sets of 10 on 110kg. Turning heads in the gym already, feel very vascular & dense, my quads are rock hard, literally like stone, it's proving difficult to jab, the other day I jabbed 3 times before it was able to penetrate without stinging really bad. Appetite is crazy! Can't seem to eat quick enough! My priority is gaining size, strength & staying as healthy as possible now.

I want to make the most of this cycle & feel I'm definitely off to a good start, but may have to slow down a bit at this rate... Tren is an amazing compound, nothing comes close IMO. Will staple in my future cycles.
Day 8.

Jabbed 100/100 today, getting little to no pip, feeling aggressive & lively. My attitude is like... I don't care about details I just want it done & anything long winded loses my attention in seconds! Training is better than ever, starting to experience massive increases in strength. I have started to get a side effect though... Very restless while sleeping & some bizarre dreams! But still manageable. Overall absolutely delighted with the cycle so far!
Day 10

Really starting to notice the size coming on now, shoulders are wider & broader. So far tren doesn't seem to be 'melting bf' like everyone claims, (not that I was expecting it to really, diet dependant & what not...) So far it's just making me big & strong. Still no sides. Up 5kg in 10 days. Pumps are still insane, I seem to stay pumped all day. I get a pump in my arms after being in the squat rack! They swelled up when I washed my car! Verrrry aggressive, not scared of anything. High self esteem! Quick & 'on the ball!'

Changed my routine slightly, I'm doing cardio 15min before the workout & 15min after min train 5 days ew. So potentially 3.5hours of cv could be crammed in! Switching between moderate & HIIT! I bulk better with cardio, it's such an important aspect of weight training!

My meal prep today was sweet potato & broccoli mashed together, a tsp of chia seeds sprinkled on & chilli salmon with a tsp of parsley sauce, followed by either a handful of blueberries or an organic apple. Packs a powerful workout!
Keeping up the cardio, eating cleaner, using adex & caber... I always seem to balloon up at the start of the cycle & then the weight increase slows down. It's just that initial weight/water gain at the start
Had little to no shortness of breath. Was pretty fit in the army though... Not sure if high fitness levels have any influence over it...?