New cycle


New member
I have run about 3 cycles in the past. This is more of a cutting cycle. Ive noticed low dosages work well with my body so am trying to keep water weight off and low dosage normally helps then for solid gains.

Current Stats
Height 5'10
Weight 226
Bf: 16%

Cut weight to about 200 and bf to around 10-12%

12 week cycle
    • Cycle
      • Clen 80mgs/day 2 week on 2 weeks off
      • T3 run at 80mgs/day for 6 weeks
      • Prop run at 50mgs eod weeks 1-12
      • Anavar weeks 1-3 50mgs/day
      • Anavar weeks 6-12 at 50mgs/day
      • Tren Ace run weeks 6-12 at 50mgs eod
      • Adex will be run durring cycle
      • HCG will be run durring cycle
      • Clomid, adex will be for pct

The clen/t3 cycle was run total of 8 weeks 4 weeks prior to cycle and 4 durring beginning of cycle. Also i have Winstrol (winny) on hand to throw in at the end what does everyone thing
drop the tren. its to soon to use that with only 3 cycles in. this one can be harsh but it is Tren A so it will be out of your system quick.
if any thing goes wrong or you start having problems drop the tren. dont run the adex with your cycle unless you see gyno side start. it comes with it own problems for sides.
I have run tren before and love it. I am running adex throughout cycle because it helps me keep from bloating and any chance of gyno. Many people run adex throughout a cycle starting about 4 to 6 weeks in. Also will through in hcg as well once im about 6 weeks in when im completely shut down