Good evening gentlemen. After consulting with an Anti Aging clinic i will be going on TRT next week. While i am not necessarily dangerously low in T, my T could be a little higher for my age. A little about me. I am 29 years old 6'1 230 lbs probably about 20-24% BF i would guess, workout 5x a week, my TT is 512. Lately i have been noticing a lot less energy, less motivation, less sex drive, hair thinning in front, and just overall lethargy and not well being. I have been trying to keep a strict diet of 225g protein, 75g healthy fats, and 50g carbs to combat my recent weight gain. ive put on about 20-30lbs in addition to all those symptoms. I am not on any medications and i would prefer to stay that way (ie. dont want to go on any anti depressants as i feel im not depressed). From what ive seen i fall in the avg rang of test for a 55-65 year old man? Thats the scary party to me. I will be taking 200mg of Test E a week in addition to hCG and an anti estrogen (i forget the name it starts with an A). I will be staying on the current diet i have listed above in order to lose some extra weight while also increasing muscle mass, are those macro's sufficient while on this? should i modify anything? any tips or pointers? They will be doing the injections there free of charge as i am not familiar with how to as of now, nor am i comfortable. The initial cost was $498 which included the consult, exam, physical and first 10 week supply. I will then be billed $199 a month every month for a 10 week supply of the 3 above medications. It will be up to be to call every 8th or 9th week and request a refill. Is there anything i should know or anything i am missing here? Is the pricing around market average for trt? Thank you in advance.