New guy here to TRT, have a couple questions....


New member
Good evening gentlemen. After consulting with an Anti Aging clinic i will be going on TRT next week. While i am not necessarily dangerously low in T, my T could be a little higher for my age. A little about me. I am 29 years old 6'1 230 lbs probably about 20-24% BF i would guess, workout 5x a week, my TT is 512. Lately i have been noticing a lot less energy, less motivation, less sex drive, hair thinning in front, and just overall lethargy and not well being. I have been trying to keep a strict diet of 225g protein, 75g healthy fats, and 50g carbs to combat my recent weight gain. ive put on about 20-30lbs in addition to all those symptoms. I am not on any medications and i would prefer to stay that way (ie. dont want to go on any anti depressants as i feel im not depressed). From what ive seen i fall in the avg rang of test for a 55-65 year old man? Thats the scary party to me. I will be taking 200mg of Test E a week in addition to hCG and an anti estrogen (i forget the name it starts with an A). I will be staying on the current diet i have listed above in order to lose some extra weight while also increasing muscle mass, are those macro's sufficient while on this? should i modify anything? any tips or pointers? They will be doing the injections there free of charge as i am not familiar with how to as of now, nor am i comfortable. The initial cost was $498 which included the consult, exam, physical and first 10 week supply. I will then be billed $199 a month every month for a 10 week supply of the 3 above medications. It will be up to be to call every 8th or 9th week and request a refill. Is there anything i should know or anything i am missing here? Is the pricing around market average for trt? Thank you in advance.
Don't do it. TT of 512 is not bad. TRT is for life. Once you start TRT, it suppresses your body's natural ability to make T. $199/month for the rest of your life? No way!
Don't do it. TT of 512 is not bad. TRT is for life. Once you start TRT, it suppresses your body's natural ability to make T. $199/month for the rest of your life? No way!

jeez that sucks, it costs less than that for a year's supply in Australia.
You have a total T of 512, and you want to go on trt? I had a total T reading of 170, before I went on trt. I would've killed for a level of 512.

I think you are crazy for jumping on trt with that level, at your age. Trt is for life(as far as we now know).

Exhaust other options first.
Definitely exhaust other options first (SERM therapy, AI monotherapy) and see if you can get away with those. At the end of the day though, if you need it TRT will be a life saver. I can't even begin to explain how much better I feel these days.. no need for afternoon naps every day, sex drive is finally normal etc.

I don't believe purely in numbers. 500ng/dl isn't a bad number, but if you have the symptoms you need to treat it. Highly recommend trying a Clomid restart first, then failing that AI mono.
You have a total T of 512, and you want to go on trt? I had a total T reading of 170, before I went on trt. I would've killed for a level of 512.

I think you are crazy for jumping on trt with that level, at your age. Trt is for life(as far as we now know).

Exhaust other options first.

Could you please explain in detail what some of these other options would be? thank you.
See my above post.

Please let me know if i am understanding correctly. I will already be put on an AI and with my estradiol being 36 (i think it was anything higher than 55 or 56 bad) that SERM wouldnt help as my e2 levels are already in check? Sorry i am new to this and trying to learn as much as i can.
Please let me know if i am understanding correctly. I will already be put on an AI and with my estradiol being 36 (i think it was anything higher than 55 or 56 bad) that SERM wouldnt help as my e2 levels are already in check? Sorry i am new to this and trying to learn as much as i can.

Give this a read. It will help answer many of your questions and help you understand TRT better. Reading it will make it easier to converse.
Please let me know if i am understanding correctly. I will already be put on an AI and with my estradiol being 36 (i think it was anything higher than 55 or 56 bad) that SERM wouldnt help as my e2 levels are already in check? Sorry i am new to this and trying to learn as much as i can.

You are way off. Got a lot of reading to do :) Trust us though, it's worth the time spent.
Seriously, give the above some thought. I'm in my 50s and the "rest of my life" still scares the crap out of me. And though my T was just under 300 I still know in my heart that it was more of a lifestyle than a real health thing.

In a few years, the novelty will have worn off and the honeymoon will be over and you're married to the needle... at 30.
a reading of 512!!!

Im at 200ng/dl and cant even find a doc to treat me (aus), I would literally do anything for your levels. Look at your sleep routine, stresses etc and you will probably find you can even increase the level you have somewhat. Id lose the weight, get to a stable weight then retest yourself. You will find that your levels will be higher once you reach target weight.

your diet of 1775 calories seems ok, Id possibly even sit a bit higher on your workout days.