New here. Doing research and can use some guidance.


New member
Hi everyone.
Like the title says, new here. Never done a cycle before, but am interested. Reason being is I feel like I am starting to slow down a little bit. Lifts are beginning to stall, getting more aches and pains lately, etc.

So before I ask if such and such is a good steroid to take, I will post some stats and maybe I can get some guidance.

32 years old. 6 feet tall. 205 lbs. BF is probably around 10%.
Been training consistently since I'm 14 years old.

My 1RM's:
Squat - 440
Bench - 360
Deadlift - 515
Mil Press - 225

Current program is 5/3/1.
Strength train 4 days a week. Off days I usually do some fasted easy cardio in the form of 30-45 min walks on the treadmill.

Diet is extremely clean and is kept track of everyday on

Training days:
Calories - 4000
Protein - around 300 grams
Carbs - around 300 grams
Fats - around 80 grams

Off day:
Calories - 3000
Protein - around 300 grams
Carbs - around 100 grams
Fat - around 120 grams

Protein comes from beef, chicken, fish, eggs, whey, dairy
Carbs come from brown rice, oatmeal, fruit, veg, quinoa,
Fats come from fish oil, coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, egg yolk

If there is any other info I should share, let me know and I'd be glad to.

My overall goals are to maybe get a bit stronger but I am pretty happy with were I'm at in the strength department. I guess it's just to look as good as possible, and help with the little aches and pains that I was mentioning. My body loosk very good right now, but needs a little extra OOMPH (for lack of a better word, lol)

Was talking with someone about Anavar, but after doing research here, seems like it may be a waste of time.

I don't necessarily want to get into injectables, but I am still willing to be educated about it.

Thanks everyone
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No way around injectables my friend, test only for your first run, test e or cyp 500mg a weelk, for 12 weeks, use the search bar up top, search first cycle
Anavar is pretty mild as far as orals go, but to get any significant result from it you'd need at least 80mg ED. Even anavar at 80mg ED, will affect your hpta. You should use a testosterone base. Regardless of the goals wanted in aas, most of your results, are as a result of proper nutrition and training/rest. Therefore, with just a 12wk hitch of test @ 500mg EW, you can achieve the same, someone more experienced and a hard-gainer and more tolerant to ass could achieve with a multi-stack cycle.
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No way around injectables my friend, test only for your first run, test e or cyp 500mg a week, for 12 weeks, use the search bar up top, search first cycle

Your gonna see this over and over again because its effective, cheap, and "safe".

Although pinning may seem dirty or extreme this is the way to go. Its actually better for you than orals. One pass instead of two is easier on the liver. Its not very painful and its easy to do, just make sure you know procedure, there is a sticky for injection.
I know you may be put of by injecting but this isn't heroin.