New here, looking for info about female weightloss with growth hormone please


New member
Hi all, I'm a 26year old female who has so far lost 1.5 stone but would love to lose more and also gain some muscle. I'm working hard in the gym 5 times a week and run 3-4 times a week also. My diet is clean but the weight has decided to budge. My only issue is that I'm rejoining the army next year so I'm here mainly for advice please. People at my local gym have all recommended growth hormone and said that it doesn't come up on urine tests? So my first question, is this true?
Secondly I've researched it a little and can only find positive effects, and short term negative effects such as bloat, cramps, achy joints etc. What are the long term?
I believe you have to use these long term to get an effect, and I've also heard about cycles...could anyone elaborate on those please?
I'm sorry if my post is annoying as I'm asking lots of questions but I'm a touched confused being a complete newbie! Thanks everyone and also merry Christmas!
Have you tied clenbuterol or albuterol? Much cheaper and probably more effective for short-term weight loss. You would have to run HGH for 6-12 months probably to see any effects.

Anavar would be another option if you are willing to consider AAS.
you need more cardio, maybe some t3 ,clen maybe that's the short answer.

at your age id advise against HGH . if you persure it be awere its a long term commitment not a few weeks, you will need 6 months plus supply and for a woman 1 to 1.5 IU's daily is plenty for your goals. also 50 to 100 mcgs of t4 along with it