New here, looking to start 1st cycle


New member
You might recognize me. I made this thread a few days ago, but first came back today and was banned for breaking the rules. Sorry, I have read the rules this time, so please give me another chance.

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Anyway, I am 26 years old, about 200 pounds at 6'1" and I'm very dissatisfied with how I look
I have been working out for about 2 years, with little regard to dieting other that trying to eat a bit more than usual, but no supplements and stuff. In the last 8 months or so I have not gone to a gym, I have been doing push ups, shoulder presses and pull ups at home.
Consensus in my first thread (I read the replies for the first time just now) seemed to be I am not ready for steroids yet, because there is so much room for improvement in my current regimen. One even said you should only consider steroids when you've hit your natural peak.
While I think there is definitely room for improvement in my regimen, which could probably make for some better progress, in many ways it feels like my body isn't made to be lean and big at the same time, and so natural training feels futile. Progress is slow, and you get to choose from either big and fat, or lean and a twink.
My goal is not to be a mass-monster; I just want to lean out a bit and add some muscle. I want to look better. I want a body that I don't have to be ashamed of, and I think steroids (testosterone) can help me with this.
Encourage or discourage me to do a cycle!
Pull ups push-ups and presses won't get it done bro. What about your back and legs chest ND arms

Juice won't be enough without breaking down muscle tissue through resistance training
You need to get diet on point and hit the gym consistently for awhile. Atleast 12 months. Using gear now may get you some gains if any right now but you will lose them all once you finish and go back to your default diet and training which is nonexistent. Getting in shape is a big commitment no matter what level you want to get at. Consistency is key. Always focusing on diet and making the necessary changes and same goes with training. Your not going to blow up using test for 12 weeks eating burgers and fries. Most likely you won't get what your looking for after your done with your first cycle. Your simply just not going to blow up in 12 weeks time. It takes years of dedication even with gear. So work on diet and training for now and ses how serious you are about it in a year or so...
You might recognize me. I made this thread a few days ago, but first came back today and was banned for breaking the rules. Sorry, I have read the rules this time, so please give me another chance.

View attachment 566144View attachment 566145

Anyway, I am 26 years old, about 200 pounds at 6'1" and I'm very dissatisfied with how I look
I have been working out for about 2 years, with little regard to dieting other that trying to eat a bit more than usual, but no supplements and stuff. In the last 8 months or so I have not gone to a gym, I have been doing push ups, shoulder presses and pull ups at home.
Consensus in my first thread (I read the replies for the first time just now) seemed to be I am not ready for steroids yet, because there is so much room for improvement in my current regimen. One even said you should only consider steroids when you've hit your natural peak.
While I think there is definitely room for improvement in my regimen, which could probably make for some better progress, in many ways it feels like my body isn't made to be lean and big at the same time, and so natural training feels futile. Progress is slow, and you get to choose from either big and fat, or lean and a twink.
My goal is not to be a mass-monster; I just want to lean out a bit and add some muscle. I want to look better. I want a body that I don't have to be ashamed of, and I think steroids (testosterone) can help me with this.
Encourage or discourage me to do a cycle!

You said it yourself ^ progress IS slow. AND consistency is a must!
So many people think that they can add steroids to make the transition to their "goal" over night, all while never making the changes needed to actually accomplish the goal at all in the first place.
Don't fall victim to this mentality.
First, have a "realistic, & achievable" goal (so you are not just setting yourself up for failure). Some people can never complete this step by themselves & actually hire a professional to help them with making the right decisions on what is achievable & how to make it happen (this also contributes to making them be consistent).
Then actually form the habits needed to achieve the fitness goal.
When this is accomplished & you actually have a better feel for what your natural ability is, then you will know when / IF taking steroids is the right path.

Start with DIET. This is everyone's hardest hurdle to overcome. You are what you are because of what you eat & how active you are. Pretty simple right? If you can't figure out the diet needed to complete your goal, then find help here from 3J. He has lots of good diet info listed here in the threads & if you need a more personal approach, you can hire him to help you out.

Sorry if my response came off a little "basic". But this is a very common question we see from people.
Good luck!
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You need to get diet on point and hit the gym consistently for awhile. Atleast 12 months. Using gear now may get you some gains if any right now but you will lose them all once you finish and go back to your default diet and training which is nonexistent. Getting in shape is a big commitment no matter what level you want to get at. Consistency is key. Always focusing on diet and making the necessary changes and same goes with training. Your not going to blow up using test for 12 weeks eating burgers and fries. Most likely you won't get what your looking for after your done with your first cycle. Your simply just not going to blow up in 12 weeks time. It takes years of dedication even with gear. So work on diet and training for now and ses how serious you are about it in a year or so...

...and in the meantime read the stickies!!! Plenty to research here bro. I'm sure u can find all the to your questions thru research on this board. The above post is great advise and I'd stress the point made about IT TAKES TIME to build quality muscle.
Thanks for input. Why does there seem to be a collective denial when it comes to the importance and effect of steroids? Is it because people don't want to attribute much of their progress and results to steroids? Studies show that people who are on steroids (and just test at that) and neither work out or diet have more lean muscle gain than people who work out and diet perfectly for maximum muscle growth. So clearly they do work. In my case right now, I think I look pudgy and would want to lean out a bit, while not loosing any muscle mass. If I did a cycle now I could probably gain some muscle while losing fat.
I don't see any good arguments why I should not do a cycle. Health risks for instance are a good argument why I should not.
If you can't diet and train to accomplish progress now, you will waste your time using test. Yes, you probably will net some gains but you will most likely lose them after cycle. Plus, running a cycle now will be harder for you to manage estrogen at a higher body fat and you can also injure yourself with strength increase and no prior time spent training. You also may have difficulty recovering your natural test production after pct which will also make holding onto whatever gains you get next to impossible. We're giving you solid advice BUT your going to do whatever you are going to do. We're all just telling you what needs to be in place to accomplish your goals because we've all started at the bottom...
I'm a bit of a libertarian and believe in freedom of choice personal responsibly for ones self. your a grown man , if you want to run a cycle then by all means run a cycle.

first things first though . go get blood work . get a hormone panel done as well and see where your natural test levels are at. that way you have a baseline so when you PCT you know where you need to get back to.

keep it simple . 400-500mg of test per week for 12 weeks while using an AI and HCG , and having everything you need for PCT on hand before beginning cycle.

if you don't get the gains you expected because your diet and training are not on point, thats your own fault and decision. If you do get gains and loose them all 2 months after a cycle and you wasted all that time and money and you permanently suppressed your natty test levels for the rest of your life and will never be the same again and will struggle with low T and depression . thats on you too
I posted on the other thread. You are getting the best advice from all of us. YOU are not ready due to all of we are saying. NO sense in me explaining it again.

At 26 and all the inexperience and you are not going to get good results...IMOP as with the vets. Yu can get results when you learn to train. I will say that you can make gains on a shit diet with protein and high calories 3500 - 4000.

Roushes Post #9 is the most truth and best put here. He sums it up.
Studies show that people who are on steroids (and just test at that) and neither work out or diet have more lean muscle gain than people who work out and diet perfectly for maximum muscle growth. So clearly they do work.
total bullshit, show us this so called study please. we dont need idiots here trying to push the magic pill theory. tell it to the guys at the gym sweating, grunting, logging, sacrificing all they can to achive their goals and maintain their gains.
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Unbelievable you even repeated that stupid, very stupid study. I from experience can attest to it being wrong and just stupid I am a living example and testifying.

I am still on Test weekly but a lower dose. I have been inundated with some health issues and haven
t worked out in a couple months now. Why I still use the test is al the same reasons an elderly man would wan. The energy and appetite etc....

I'm gonna finish by saying you are starting to get some peoples skin with belligerent attitude.
Show us the beef or I am so... :iwstupid:
total bullshit, show us this so called study please. we dont need idiots here trying to push the magic pill theory. tell it to the guys at the gym sweating, grunting, logging, sacrificing all they can to achive their goals and maintain their gains.

The study was discussed in detail in my knowledge thread here:

So no, its not "total bullshit".
Take a beginner, put him on 600mg, and he will gain more mass than a natural beginner working his ass off PROVIDED the diet is adequate.
The results were also repeated in another study in 2001 so yes, people can get butthurt all they want...facts are facts.

Unbelievable you even repeated that stupid, very stupid study. I from experience can attest to it being wrong and just stupid I am a living example and testifying.

Just because you don't like the facts doesn't make them stupid :)
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The study was discussed in detail in my knowledge thread here:

So no, its not "total bullshit".
Take a beginner, put him on 600mg, and he will gain more mass than a natural beginner working his ass off PROVIDED the diet is adequate.
The results were also repeated in another study in 2001 so yes, people can get butthurt all they want...facts are facts.

Just because you don't like the facts doesn't make them stupid :)
question the facts. how do you know he was discussing your thread study?
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question the facts. how do you know he was discussing your thread study?

If you have evidence to support your questioning...sure. Otherwise, I prefer to be more productive with my time :)

And its not my first rodeo man, that study always gets brought up and butthurt inevitably follows when folks refuse to believe the truth. Hell, I proactively anticipated the butthurt in that very thread.
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If you have evidence to support your questioning...sure. Otherwise, I prefer to be more productive with my time :)

And its not my first rodeo man, that study always gets brought up and butthurt inevitably follows when folks refuse to believe the truth. Hell, I proactively anticipated the butthurt in that very thread.
i know who you are and point taken, im just trying like everyone else who has commented here and ops past thread to work for what he wants. we got so many ops these days bringing up magic pills that will transform them that im set on cruise mode.
Thanks for input. Why does there seem to be a collective denial when it comes to the importance and effect of steroids? Is it because people don't want to attribute much of their progress and results to steroids? Studies show that people who are on steroids (and just test at that) and neither work out or diet have more lean muscle gain than people who work out and diet perfectly for maximum muscle growth. So clearly they do work. In my case right now, I think I look pudgy and would want to lean out a bit, while not loosing any muscle mass. If I did a cycle now I could probably gain some muscle while losing fat.
I don't see any good arguments why I should not do a cycle. Health risks for instance are a good argument why I should not.

Funny, u came here asking for advise but with this post it sounds like u think u have it figured out. So why even ask is my question? Do what u gotta do. Yeah, health risks, ofcourse, then again seems u know that too...jus say in.