New Here Test Cyp and deca blast cruse TRT


New member
Hey all, I'm a new member, 6'7 290lbs 18% BF. Currently on TRT 200mg for a little over two years. Ive run quite a few 12 week test only blasts 400mg wk, then 600 mg wk. Im on a 600 mg wk now for the last 6 weeks. I'm thinking of trowing in 400 mg wk deca for 12 more weeks. i run .25 adex cruse and .5 ed blast. I do blood work once every 6 weeks, private MD labs. Its easy to change test number for doc LOL. I really need some mass as a have a big frame. Do you think its ok to do 600 mg test for 20 weeks plus?
Remember to get a Dopamine Agonist to keep on hand or use the full cycle (caber or prami). Let us know if you are not familiar with why a DA is needed in this cycle.

And remember that Deca also aromatizes so you may need to increase your AI dosage. Although it aromatizes at less of a rate than Test.
Thanks Megatron, I do understand why caber is necessary but I don't have any on hand. Ill see what i can figure out before the deca. I don't need progesterone building up.
Alright so Ive got Prami from RUI now. I went all this time on the 600mg Test Cyp cycle. About 13 weeks. Do I need to go back to my TRT 200mg wk for a while before starting deca at 400 to 600 mg. I want to run the deca long enough for full benefits. Ill adjust Test Cyp to about 1/2 of the Deca dosage. I have not run Nandrolone Decanate before, so i was planing to start at 400 and go up gradually.
You can run your test at a trt dose while using deca at whatever dose you choose. You don't have to play with ratios. As long as you keep your e2 in check and your bloodwork is all good you'll be fine.
You can run your test at a trt dose while using deca at whatever dose you choose. You don't have to play with ratios. As long as you keep your e2 in check and your bloodwork is all good you'll be fine.

Yep higher test then other AAS is old school. I'd run deca at lest 600 EW, you can keep your TRT dosage the same.