New here.....


New member
Just thought I would post a few pics from July '06 after a cut that started out with me weighing 240# on Mar 1. I started training 2.5 years ago at the insistance of a former employee. I'm 53 years old and totally enjoy training. I've met some really good people through the sport and I can't picture my life without bodybuilding now. BTW, I broke my ankle and dislocated my knee 2 weeks before these were taken - that's the reason for the knee brace and crutches in the background.

53 years old
200# when pics were taken

I have started to bulk once again and intend to compete in my first show in April '07.

Thanks, guys!

Thanks for the compliments, guys! It's been a long road for someone my age but I guess I've accomplished more than I ever dreamed possible. I've been skinny all my life and gaining is really hard for me.

I was doing box lunges with 125# on my shoulders and when I went to step up on the box half way through my set, I started losing my balance and my foot landed at an angle - it rolled - broke and then dislocated my knee all at the same time. I had surgery on the ankle - therapy on the knee. The day I got home from the hospital, I went to the gym on my crutches to say hi and thank everyone for their help when I got hurt and the guys started carrying weights to me. I did a full arm workout that night. I missed 2 workouts is all. The doc gave me the ok to continue to train but I've only begun to work legs again about 3 weeks ago.

Also broke bones in gym

Hi all. rookie Slapper from South Africa here.This is what my foot looked like 3 days after dropping a 25kg weight plate on it. Shattered the 3 toes in my left foot. I was also back a week later with crutches, the pain is addictive. Only the big toe grew back, I tend to topple over every now and then, especially after a few beers.
Old Balls,

There has been some gear used but when I started it about a year ago, the guy helping me didn't know what he was doing and it was pretty much wasted...wrong doseage, etc. Now I'm on TestE and decca. I've seen some slow results...probably because of my age. Also, I'm a very hard gainer. My cut was done on 3000 cals / day. I lost 40# in 3 months without changing the diet with an ending Bf of about 5%. I'm trying to gain now but I just can't keep up with the young guns!

3 week recovery?

YOu end up going to a sports medicine ortho?

waltwhitman said:
Thanks for the compliments, guys! It's been a long road for someone my age but I guess I've accomplished more than I ever dreamed possible. I've been skinny all my life and gaining is really hard for me.

I was doing box lunges with 125# on my shoulders and when I went to step up on the box half way through my set, I started losing my balance and my foot landed at an angle - it rolled - broke and then dislocated my knee all at the same time. I had surgery on the ankle - therapy on the knee. The day I got home from the hospital, I went to the gym on my crutches to say hi and thank everyone for their help when I got hurt and the guys started carrying weights to me. I did a full arm workout that night. I missed 2 workouts is all. The doc gave me the ok to continue to train but I've only begun to work legs again about 3 weeks ago.


No, I couldn't work legs for about 2.5 months. My injury happened June 20 and I just started training legs again Spetember 8. I only did upper body for the 2 1/2 months while I was in therapy for the knee. I avoided knee surgery through therapy but I had a plate and 8 screws "installed" in my ankle. My injured leg lost a bunch of size very quickly but has started to come back after only 3 leg sessions. It's still not the same as the other leg but hopefully it will make a full size recovery. The knee is still a little stiff but usually the training helps each time I work it. I can't do very heavy weights yet but just the movement with lighter weight helps a lot.

I went to an ortho that had done my dad's knee replacement. He's the best around. He and his staff are known for their quality work. My therapist was terrific. She knew that I intended to compete and took extra time to make sure that I wouldn't need surgery on the knee also. I don't have enough adjectives to describe those that helped me! They were all pretty amazed at my speedy recovery. In fact, one of them told me that I was not their typical patient.
