New lower price on PSL PFIZER GENOTROPIN HGH! Plus new bulk deals on SOMATROPIN HGH!


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Purity Source Labs is excited to announce that we have lowered the price for our PFIZER GENOTROPIN HGH, and added new bulk deals on our SOMATROPIN HGH :)

Visit the website to see the new price and check out what we have to offer for bulk deals.

Our GENOTROPINS and SOMATROPINS are now THAT much more affordable!
What is a good doseage for genos compared to the somas? Example 2-3 ius a day of genos equals 8 ius of somas? I'm a new to gh and doseage is different in every thread. Just askin :)
I think the blood work done showed the somas put GH levels between 25-30 on average, when taking 10IU in one dose and then getting blood work done 3 hours later. If I remember right, genos put the GH levels 15 points higher. So they are actually quite close. I would say if you were to run 2IUs of geno, running 4IUs of soma should do the trick - maybe even only 3IUs...but why go stingy and maybe miss out? Do the 4IUs instead of only 3IUs.
I think the blood work done showed the somas put GH levels between 25-30 on average, when taking 10IU in one dose and then getting blood work done 3 hours later. If I remember right, genos put the GH levels 15 points higher. So they are actually quite close. I would say if you were to run 2IUs of geno, running 4IUs of soma should do the trick - maybe even only 3IUs...but why go stingy and maybe miss out? Do the 4IUs instead of only 3IUs.

Actually the somas put me at 34ng/mL! Here's the link :)