New member - Seeking Advice (Never done this before)


New member
Hey guys,

I am a 28 year old male. 5'7" 170lbs and 26.5% body fat. (Not 100% sure as I used those scales you would find at some gyms that you have to step on barefooted. But I do have quite a bit of fat on my belly. I used to work out significantly before I gained all this weight. Although that was when I was much younger and only weighed a little over 130lbs.

I have started to hit the gym again, 1-2 hours per day 3-4 days a week. Will ramp it up to 5-6 days a week.

I have read a lot about Tren and I am considering running my first cycle. My main goal, is to burn the fat, get some muscle gains. I have no interest in competitions or anything. I would prefer to be at 180lbs with about 12% body fat if not less.

I am thinking my cycle will start with


50mg every other day for 8 weeks. (low more for safety here, less risks with lower doses. As I am beginner user, I have a good feeling about this) If my body tolerates this, I will be going up to 75mg max.


75mg Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. 225mg per week

PCT: Nolvadex

Thinking of taking 40mg per day 18 days after last Testosterone injection.

My diet is really good. I eat healthy, never bloated. Will be incorporating quinoa into my diet. I eat fish (tilapia, salmon, and tuna) chicken, red meats, brown rice, sweet potatoes. Vegetables, mostly spinach, and kale but others as well.
The only thing I have to start doing is prepping the meals.

Any advice, seeing if I have learned anything from all these posts. Hopefully I did. Would greatly appreciate any kind of insight, and any suggestions. I have no idea how my body will react to this. That's why I want to try Tren-Ace at a lower dose. That way I can just let it clear my system if my body reacts negatively and just focus on working out naturally.
If you are serious about this, then you will act responsibly. Serious business here.

I started where you are now. Really excited, impatient, and just enough knowledge to be really dangerous to myself. Meaning had I not slowed down, read everything here I could, and listened to the gurus here I could have seriously fuxd myself up!

Then I got smarter. You have too much excess weight for a cycle. I did too, so I got serious about logging my foods and lost 30+ pounds first. That fat will convert your coveted test into estrogen and you will be one sad panda.

2nd, always start with TEST ONLY! Besides the safety aspects of trying one compound at a time just to learn your own body, one of the best reasons I heard is that your body will build resistance to each compound. If you start with'bigger' compounds, none of the simple stuff will work anymore! Start at the bottom rung and bang out every last ounce of gains from it. Then move up just a bit and do it again. Don't go starting to the hard stuff. Again, bad idea.

3rd, don't start until you have EVERYTHING you need in hand. All of it. AI, PCT, extra supplies. CYA man!

If you are adult enough to do this, you prove it by having the self-control to rein in your enthusiasm and walk calmly down the path :-)

Good luck. You've got lots of time
You never do a first cycle with Tren. The sides will most probably know your socks off and you could get a little sick (temp)

Your body runs on testosterone and needs testosterone so you must have a dosing of Test with all stacks.

NO OFFENSE but the fact that you are even considering Tren at this point tells us you need to wait and read more. I don't believe you have a complete grasp on AAS , how it works in your body .

Please read all our thread sticky's see where you came in to post. Please don't do the Tren
If you are serious about this, then you will act responsibly. Serious business here.

I started where you are now. Really excited, impatient, and just enough knowledge to be really dangerous to myself. Meaning had I not slowed down, read everything here I could, and listened to the gurus here I could have seriously fuxd myself up!

Then I got smarter. You have too much excess weight for a cycle. I did too, so I got serious about logging my foods and lost 30+ pounds first. That fat will convert your coveted test into estrogen and you will be one sad panda.

2nd, always start with TEST ONLY! Besides the safety aspects of trying one compound at a time just to learn your own body, one of the best reasons I heard is that your body will build resistance to each compound. If you start with'bigger' compounds, none of the simple stuff will work anymore! Start at the bottom rung and bang out every last ounce of gains from it. Then move up just a bit and do it again. Don't go starting to the hard stuff. Again, bad idea.

3rd, don't start until you have EVERYTHING you need in hand. All of it. AI, PCT, extra supplies. CYA man!

If you are adult enough to do this, you prove it by having the self-control to rein in your enthusiasm and walk calmly down the path :-)

Good luck. You've got lots of time

Definitely good advice, I have read a couple places to start TEST only. It was just my assumption that if I start low doses everything will be fine. So I will definitely heed this advice and start TEST only. I believe I should PCT after TEST, so just nolvadex 40mg should be fine right?
Appreciate this advice. I understand Tren is super potent compared to other AAS, I just assumed taking lower doses would yield minimal risk but I will definitely read on and get educated before I purchase anything.