new PR at gym...........25 characters

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OMG!!! This guy is too stupid to not watch. It's like a slow motion pile up on the high way that you desperately want to ignore but you just can't stop following this D bags threads.

10 day cycle? 225 for 4 on dead lift? I was doing that in middle school. WTF!!!!

BB please tell us what your next cycle will be. I am anxiously waiting for your unending wisdom!!!!!!!!!! You never know this guy is stupid enough to maybe stumble on to something great. That's what I keep telling myself to justify following these threads. For the love of all things Body building!!!! Please keep this shit coming.
I pay a premium price to see that 225 for 4. The chance to see the form on that would have been worth it. I am sure his back looked like one of those black scare-dy cat things you see around Halloween. The only reason I don't feed this kid terrible advise on purpose is because somewhere there is a Mother or a grandmother or some pour soul that cares about him.
Pretty sure you are trying to reason with a troll, or mentally challenged person.

Yes, just joined this camp. I'll be ignoring. How is he still around?

I love the idea of a test to join, and once enough complaints make them write and essay that an admin must approve to give them access again. If it cost a bit more of their time to do this, they wouldn't bother.
Sick of this place. You guys only know how to bash new members. Fuck all you guys I hope I get banned. Not like it matters only one guy with a spongebob avi helped me once. You guys talk way too much shit and I'm Fucking tired of being polite. Fuck off to all you bitches. You are my bitches. Just fucking kick me off of here pussies

You guys on this site are nothing but a bunch of meanie heads!!! Humpf!
No one on this site supports bashing new members, only bashing idiots that talk trash to vets and give rest of this community a bad name. Unfortunately I do cycle with advice from this community so I don't have high prolactin levels, otherwise I'd let you suckle from my tit and dry your tears.
This is turning into a car wreck. Nothing to see here. Lets move on and get back to contributing in a positive manner. We really need to stop feeding the trolls.

Closing this one.
This is turning into a car wreck. Nothing to see here. Lets move on and get back to contributing in a positive manner. We really need to stop feeding the trolls.

Closing this one.

never been more happy to see a thread close..

BB if you kept your composure you d be welcomed. I redded yu badly but declined to remove you as
1- there s still hope
2- u r entertaining.

Now at 18 weighing a gangly 172 at 5 11 I was taught the deadlift and squat as I was a German kid living in America but had a soccer ski background.

The day I learned to squat I hit 300 x 4 squats w a belt barefoot and pulled a 365 for 2. I ve always s been good at pulling exercise as I m long limbed. My legs were shredded and full from soccer. So unless you want to completely vanish take the criticism and jovial approach to criticism and be A MAN. If criticism is gonna lead you to your goal digest it and learn. If you do that you will get respect and quidance; if you pop off I ll pop u like the zit on pin site..l and r delts..and poof
you ll be a memory.

Come on you got like hundreds of years of lifters here w oceans of knowledge to share.

A 10 day run is not a cycle it s a mistake.

Ya ll lets ask what his goals are and see if he can man up..or ill ban him.

I do not want to BB. You are fun..I enjoy your enthusiasm....I just want you to know...we can help but your posts are so uninformed they are comical. Please read or ask for help or you ll get pushed around. I ve seen guy s like you..with you propensity for saying " I ll drop kick you"-get fucked, literally in prison.....but some learned to like
SORRY Mega..I was gonna let him turn a corner...but your right; it was gonna happen probly..he ll pop up again hopefully with a better attitude.
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