I've been taking the following and i'll add the dates that I started and plan to quit later.
Boron 9mg 1x
Tribulus 500mg 3x
Glandular 12g 1x
I got 365 on the bench tonight and have been making consistant strength and size increases every week. The only thing is I have not been leaning out at all but this could be due to not changing my diet at all and not putting in enough time or any real cardio.
Boron 9mg 1x
Tribulus 500mg 3x
Glandular 12g 1x
I got 365 on the bench tonight and have been making consistant strength and size increases every week. The only thing is I have not been leaning out at all but this could be due to not changing my diet at all and not putting in enough time or any real cardio.