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hey bros, Ive been readin about homebrew and i could do with a bit of help. I want to make tren prop and some enan, there seems to be alot of conflicting views on ba/bb ratios, I was going to buy a kit online but they dont state the ratios on them. Are these kits any good or should I buy what I need seperately ? Has anyone got a site where it tells you how to make tren as Im under the impression that trens the easiest to make so I think that will be my first project. Its all a bit confusing tbh Im getting some homebrew prop from a friend and he says its crashed and that ill have to heat it b4 i jab. its 150mg/ml, can I add bb to try and stabilize it ? If so how much ? He made it from a kit and Im not sure how much ba/bb is in it.

It's like anything else, there's always going to be differences in recipes.

But basically you don't want to go above 5% ba for anything you are going to inject.

As for tren, if it's powder, it's like anything else. If it's pellets, there will be a few more steps. Eq is probably the easiest of anything since it's already liquid and won't crash out of solution.

As for kits, they work but the differences are like asking for the formula for coke or pepsi, you aren't going to get it.
if youre gonna be doing multiple conversions, it is definitely cheaper and in your best interest to buy all your supplies as opposed to a kit. if you search the chem forum you will find many people who have done various conversions and ba/bb ratios used.

basically long esters need very little ba 1-3%
short ones need more- 3-5% ba, 7-15%bb

high ba is painful, so you want to use as little as possible.
enan >> 1%ba
tren >> 3%ba, 7%bb

at least thats how I make them. Kit makers dont want you to go saying that your gear is crashing out of solution, so obviously they put a decent amount of ba/bb in there. You could almost always do with less, depending of course on who you got your kit from. Get the supplies separately and go from there bro.
DougoeFre5h said:
enan >> 1%ba
tren >> 3%ba, 7%bb

at least thats how I make them. Kit makers dont want you to go saying that your gear is crashing out of solution, so obviously they put a decent amount of ba/bb in there. You could almost always do with less, depending of course on who you got your kit from. Get the supplies separately and go from there bro.

thanks guys very helpful, so is it better and cheaper to use pellets or powder for making tren as for the prop Im getting thats crashed should I just heat it before I inject or should I add some bb to it ? If so how much ?
Thanks again,
First off, you can heat before you jab, and it will work fine. However it is a pain in the ass. (figuratively)

If it were me, I would add some bb and oil to make a 100mg/ml solution.

how many ml of the prop do you have?
ok i need to know exactly what I need to order to make some prop, this is what ive came up with so far :

Needles: TERUMO 18G x 1 ½”
- Quantity 25
Syringe with needle: TERUMO 3cc/mL Syringe 23G x 1”
- Quantity 25
Syringe without needle: TERUMO 5cc/mL Syringe LL
- Quantity 25
Whatman Syringe Filter - .45u x 4
Sealed sterile vial - 100ml x 2
Benzyl Alcohol steril (30ml)
Benzyl Benzoate (30ml)

i want to have some excess so when Ive got more cash I can just order more powder and not have to bother with making another order for supplies should maybe get some more vials, do I need unsealed ones ?
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Seeing as how Im about to make 10g of prop...this is what I have ready to go:

(1) 10ml syringe
(1) 3ml syringe
(2) 20g needle (1 to pull everything, 1 sterile to attach to filter)
(1) 25g needle (vent)
(1) Beaker
(1) .45 filter
(1) 100ml sealed vial
oil, ba, bb

You can pull everything you have with the 10ml syringe (oil, ba, bb, solution after mixed). Nothing is sterile at this point so theres no need to switch needles or syringes. Mix the desired amount of ba/bb with your 10g prop powder. Im making mine 100mg/ml so its easy, 3ml ba and 7ml bb. Swirl it around, add a little heat if needed until its clear. Pull about 3ml of oil into the 3cc syringe, take the needle back off and cap it with the little cap the 10ml came with. Now add the rest of your oil to the beaker (or whatever your using) and swirl/heat till its clear. Keep it nice and warm in a water bath while you sterile filter into the 100ml vial. I use a large vial to steril filter everything into even though I later separate it into smaler vials. The main reason being that you'll want to purge the filter with that 3ml you set aside, so obviously you'd have a few differently dosed vials if you were to separate it off the bat. I know i left out some stuff that you'll come across when you do convert, but this shit is pretty fun, you'll get the hang of it.
so Ive pretty much covered everything then except from the 10ml syringe. Can I use a 100ml unsealed vial do do the mixing and reuse it or is it best to use a new one each time ? Just want to make sure I get everything right.
you can reuse it. Just clean with soap and water, rinse until clean. Then rinse with isopropyl a few times and pop it in the oven at like 300 to dry.