New to anabolic seeking advice


New member
Hey guys,
I just made an order for the following I'm just now getting back to working out and would like to add lean mass while loosing body fat. Any info such as how much I should run and In what order and how long will be appreciated much. Here is a list of what I will be running
Cut Stack contains:225mg/ml with 100mg being test prop,75mg tren ace,50mg masteron prop.
50mcg of winny
25mcg Clen
I'm 25
Hey guys,
I just made an order for the following I'm just now getting back to working out and would like to add lean mass while loosing body fat. Any info such as how much I should run and In what order and how long will be appreciated much. Here is a list of what I will be running
Cut Stack contains:225mg/ml with 100mg being test prop,75mg tren ace,50mg masteron prop.
50mcg of winny
25mcg Clen
I'm 25

Really bad game plan.

Get back into shape first, then run a cycle. These aren't shortcuts they're icing on the cake.

Cancel your order or save that blend for another time. First cycle= test only. Read all the stickies at the top of the forum and then ask more question.

Tren is not a compound to take lightly and shouldn't be run as a first cycle.

I agree. That's a really bad cycle. And even worse first cycle. You didn't even address PCT.

And the fact that you have not been training is just asking for injuries.

Work on your diet and training first.
Blends aren't for noobs. Most don't even use blends unless adding to them. Very poor choice for a cycle. I suggest you read the beginner cycle stickys...
You might get away with gaining a bit of muscle and strength cutting on AAS, but don't expect to lose fat in a surplus.

Like others suggested, testosterone should be your first cycle. Adding some winstrol isn't a bad idea, but keep it simple. You need to make sure estrogen is controlled and think about using HCG if fertility and recovery are important to you. Look into PCT.

There's a lot of research you need to do before you do this if you want it to work in your favor.

Worst case scenario, you do your cycle. Come off and lose all your gains with lower endogenous testosterone than before and destroyed libido, you could get gyno if you don't know about E2 management, etc. It's a big mess.

Tren is a drug that makes many feel like shit, make their dicks rubber, and ruins there sleep. It needs to be respected. The options are all yours.
Test , Tren , Masteron, Clen, Winny -- sounds like a pro bodybuilder stack for a guy going into a contest prep .. NOT a stack for a guy who just started working out.

losing body fat is the easiest thing in bodybuilding there is to do , heck your grandma can lose Bf% without steroids . I'd suggest you do that first, get in shape. then consider a moderate beginner cycle stack after that