New to site looking for expert advise brothers

John resor

New member
46yo concrete finisher with not the greatest genetics. Never tried anything but otc sups 160 lbs lean looking into mk677 for 8 week cycle to put on lean mass. Need your advice brothers, what can I expect from this and how long before affects r noticed. Just stacking with creatine and protein powder. Work out 4 x week. You guys know your stuff I don't. Please advise
46yo concrete finisher with not the greatest genetics. Never tried anything but otc sups 160 lbs lean looking into mk677 for 8 week cycle to put on lean mass. Need your advice brothers, what can I expect from this and how long before affects r noticed. Just stacking with creatine and protein powder. Work out 4 x week. You guys know your stuff I don't. Please advise

Hello John - Welcome to 'ology.

I'm in a similar boat as you. I'm 40 and about the same weight as you ~160 lbs. I can tell you first hand MK will not do a lot for you. If you are expecting steroid cycle type results, you will be very disappointed.

In theory, MK will cause a slightly more intense GH pulse. What will this do? not a whole hell of a lot. It's not like running an HGH injection cycle which increase your GH ~4X over natural levels. Additionally, it takes a while to see GH results - 2+ months. When I see say results, I mean better skin, quality of sleep, faster healing, and fat loss. packing on large amounts muscle typically isn't accomplished with GH.

To be honest, a good diet and training program will be MUCH more effective than MK.

Also, what are your stats? are you on TRT? if not, what are your T levels?
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Good point averageman.
John- your at the prime age to get your test levels checked. That would be first. Go from there. If your numbers are low TRT may be an option for Ya. A steroid cycle would be something you wouldn't want to mess with until after you were on TRT a while after being dialed in with good test levels.

Sad but true. OTC sup s are way blown out of proportion if u do a cost benefit analysis vs spending money on better food, more of it and good training.

3j is the man in these here parts for dietary advice.

I highly recommend a blood panel to see if u r a candidate for trt--hormone augmentation. If so and u wish to push those limits a little ur in good company to USE not ABUSE hormone s to help in conjunction with improved diet and training to VASTLY improve your whole life.


Btw, welcome to the site John. As Teutonic said, your in good company. Sometime you may have to sort out the shit from the knowledge tho.