New to steroids

i would like to get dome while doing cardio. then maybe i wouldnt go crazy sitting on thast little bike like a fag
Swoles145 said:
to reply to my age im 20 years old and to clear things up...ive been lifting for about 3yrs but training hard for one regimin consists of 6 days on 1 day off of training...and i eat like a horse...i am totally serious about bodybuilding and would like some positive advice to help me along my way.

Thanks all.

That was positive advice bro, but do what you want. Someone else can help you out with your cycle. Good luck.
Swoles145 said:
thanks for the replies...maybe ill do a little more research before i jump into anything

It's always good to do more research. Also, you might want to look into hypertrophy specific training. h-s-t training link

This is a good start.

Also, check out needsize's 5x5 routine in the training section.
Golden_Muscle said:
Im going to flame you anyway...........

Start lifting heavy, start eating like a man, start sleeping right, START BODYBUILDING! Start not going out, start cooking all the time, start forgetting about chicks. Get used to 7 days a week eating when you dont feel like it, and usually food you dont like, start not listening to friends telling you to have a drink, start BODYBUILDING! That is dedication, and that is the only WAY!

Drugs are only supplements, only piece of the puzzle. Without the rest of the puzzle, you get not results.

Is bodybuilding for you? Probably not. I started thinking like this ever since I was a little kid who wanted to be just like arnold.

Jumping into steroids at this point is weakness. You will realize it later in life, if not sooner.

In addition to this creatine will be a big help at your stage. Use more than the recommended dosage though.
DragonRider said:
In addition to this creatine will be a big help at your stage. Use more than the recommended dosage though.

Hell creatine is awsome at my stage, and I have been training serious for 9 years. Just make sure its ultimate nutrition.
hey i train with him and i know hes serious. Hes put on a lot of good size. we work out like animals. i told him that a good starter cycle would be like a straight test cycle. jus to see how his body reacts then take it from there. most people say a nice starter cycle would be like 500mg test a week and maybe some d-bol. and GM u didnt need to flame right from the start. let him anser your questions before you go off raging.
quote: to reply to my age im 20 years old and to clear things up...ive been lifting for about 3yrs but training hard for one regimin consists of 6 days on 1 day off of training...and i eat like a horse...i am totally serious about bodybuilding and would like some positive advice to help me along my way.

Thanks all.

Swoles145 I've noticed in the past some simple post workout nutrtion has helped me greatly. Have you ever tried mixing some Dextrose, Barley Malt, Creatine, Glutamine, and your protein powder together? This is very benificial to you right after your workout. Also you may need an extra day of rest. Six days of hard training, and your not growing anymore. I think you may need to throw one more day of rest in there.
You also may wat to switch up your routine. Try to confuse your body, make it grow! Anyway, good luck !
Dextrose+Barley Malt+Creatine+Glutamine+Protien"Whey" :40oz: