New to the game need help with first cycle


New member
Ive been doin some reaserch and am ready for my first cycle,

I have

1 10ml of 250 mg/ml of test e

1 10ml of 100 mg/ml of tren a

whats the best way to use? i was told to do 250mg a week test e for 10 weeks, 125mg on monday and 125mg on friday front load my first pin of test e, also not to start the tren a until the 2nd week in. I was told 150 mg of tren a week starting week 3 and ending week 8. 50mg on monday, 50mg on wed, and 50mg on friday. Is this correct and if not how should I take it, I am 6 foot 215 lbs and 27 yrs old.

also need help with pct for after cycle thanks guys! :) !
Don't use tren on first cycle bro. Save it and get one more bottle of test and up that dose to about double (500/wk).

Then you can read a sticky on pcts at the top of the forum. Prob just 2 weeks after last pin take nolvadex at 40/40/20/20.
May want to use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) also
Welcome to 'ology bro, you're in the right place.

I, along with most here, will recommend a test-only first cycle, definitely don't start with Tren, from what I understand it can be pretty rough side-wise, and if you've never done steroids, it's better to know how test(the base of all cycles)reacts with you before you start throwing in other compounds.

Go with 500mg/week for 14 weeks(realistically that's three vials of Test Enanthate 250mg/ml).
Have Aromasin or another Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand for bloating/gyno, and Clomid @ 50mg/day for 1 month that would begin TWO WEEKS AFTER YOUR LAST PIN OF TEST E.

If you want to keep your gains and keep your dick working you'll use Clomid @ 50mg/day for 1 month.

Go test, it's the best.
Thanks for the info guys,what dose Aromatase inhibitor (AI) mean? Also i do have another 2 bottles of test e but there from a different brand so 1 10 ml bottle of test e from 1 place its a thiner lighter oil and 2 10ml bottles from a different place there a darker thicker oil..can i use em or should i stick to the same brand?There both pharm grade. Also im trying to keep it on the dl because of my gf wont like it and i figuted a lower dose would help me grow slower and keep her feom finding out. What do u guys think??? :/
Can anyone else chime in n let me know what they think id really appreceate it! :) I just dbt wana fk up my first cycle.
You can mix the two brands, it won't much of a difference at 500mg a week. Like they said up the dose somewhere between 300-500mg per week for 12-16 weeks. Pass the Tren until you've got a couple cycles under your belt.
thanks "Tryingto get strong"..will doing the 500 mg ut size on fast? what do u recomend if u want not ake it ovious that im juiced especially to my gf. her ex did it n she aint gona put up with it again.. plus i work dealing with people face to face everyday i dnt wana make it ovious that im on it.. any coments would help? how much can i anticipate on ganing on my first cycle?
Understand there is a chance you take when using two different brands. The chance is that one of the two will be under dosed or bunk! Keep that in mind...

I also suggest you read the sticky that suggest to you how to write post so that you get your questions answered. If you really care about your first run, you should not look at what you have laying around and try building a cycle out of it, you know? Not being mean, just some truth.

IMO, I would scrap what you have, hang out here long enough to private message someone, and get a source that is g2g (it will be much cheaper that what you might be giving a "friend", I promise) and start fresh... that's just me.

Hope this helps! :)
Understand there is a chance you take when using two different brands. The chance is that one of the two will be under dosed or bunk! Keep that in mind...

I also suggest you read the sticky that suggest to you how to write post so that you get your questions answered. If you really care about your first run, you should not look at what you have laying around and try building a cycle out of it, you know? Not being mean, just some truth.

IMO, I would scrap what you have, hang out here long enough to private message someone, and get a source that is g2g (it will be much cheaper that what you might be giving a "friend", I promise) and start fresh... that's just me.

Hope this helps! :)

I second all of this bro, hang out for a bit and get a little more knowledge.. wish I would of been more patient, now I'm fighting a bad case of gyno. But like everyone else said dont run the tren first round, do the test e at 500mg/week split in 2 doses per week and make sure you have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (aromatase inhibitor) to control estro levels. Good luck to ya!
thanks "Tryingto get strong"..will doing the 500 mg ut size on fast? what do u recomend if u want not ake it ovious that im juiced especially to my gf. her ex did it n she aint gona put up with it again.. plus i work dealing with people face to face everyday i dnt wana make it ovious that im on it.. any coments would help? how much can i anticipate on ganing on my first cycle?

People will know that you're on something if you're eating right and training right on your first cycle. For instance,...I gained over 20lbs of muscle my first cycle. I didn't have an AI(not a real one at least), so I was pretty bloated, but realistically, everybody knew.
Also, expect to have some bruising on your ass, so unless your gf doesn't see you naked she'll know,..and if her ex juiced and she knew, she'll know about your usage that much quicker, at least that's my opinion.
I would use excuses like "I reconnected with an old high school buddy who's really big into "all-natural body building", he's reworked my diet and training, and I'm taking an awesome mix of supplements(hahaha)from GNC/Popeye's etc, and WOW!! it really works!!."
Most people would say "good for you! you look great!",..a few people would say things like "really? wow, I didn't know Popeye's sold steroids" etc etc.
Then I'd laugh and put them in a full nelson and squeeze.
They would shut their mouths pretty fucking quickly after that hahaha.
Ok guys so im thinking maybe just do 400 mg for 12 weeks n save the tren. Thank you all for your help.ill look around fot my post cycle therapy (pct) befor i start my cycle thanks for all..