New to the site and anabolics. Looking for advice


New member
Hey guys and gals just signed up to this site to see if i could pick some of your brains.
I'm 25 years old and have been training for about 2.5 years. Mainly strength training in the last year. At the moment my gains are starting to slow up, my numbers are by no means impressive

180kg deadlift
105kg bench
145kg squat
75kg press

at a bodyweight of around 86-88kg (it fluctuates) and i'm finding it harder to recover from training sessions. My diet is pretty on point apart from a cheat meal or two on the weekend and I'm no newbie to the scientific side of things as i have a degree in biomedical science. I'm currently thinking about trying out something to improve performance and recovery time maybe a simple test cycle. I was wondering what your views are on this, I've never tried using before and am looking for some advice on the matter. Would I be better off continuing natural if not what would be a good start for me.

Sorry if i've posted this in the wrong area

You should get blood work first to make sure everything isbok with you. Your gains should not be slowing down now if you are eating, sleeping and training properly.

Total Testosterone, LH, FSH, CBC, Metbolic Profile, TSH, Estradiol, Vitamin D, and Lipids would be good to check.

Any chance you have sleep apnea?
I've never thought about getting my bloodwork done, I'll look into it! Don't have any trouble with my sleep but i do always feel pretty shattered in the day
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