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Hey guy a newbie here to this forum but not to the game. I have been liftng for 6 years I am 5'10 160 lbs and 10% body fat. I feel that I can't progress anymore naturally. I need help with some supp's. My bud is talking about taken M1t with Biotest Tribex. I really don't know how much he even knows about these things. My goal is to be 175 lbs and 6 or 7% body fat. My job requires me to be very active I can't seem to put any more muscle mass on. Help please.
How is your protein intake??? I have found that this has made the largest difference in my training and size.
I would agree about the protein intake. Have you thought about doing a cycle of TEST 8 to 12 weeks.
Yes I have thought about it but I am in the military and the thought of being busted down sucks. It should be issued there. Also I don't know how to obtain and I really sm not looking for it. When we go overseas seems like everyone does it and its hard to stay pumped up when everyone is blowing you away in the gym. My other post is what I was thinking of doing to see what kinda results I would get. I know prohomones will not work like real gear but I don't know exaclty alot about real gear. I know diet it a big part of my problem but I can't combat this when I go to the field a week at a time. Seems like I am always up and down with gains and weight. I am longing at a good 5 months beofre my next deployment so I was thinking of doing some supplements.
schedules and travel always are tough. I try to plan very carefully when I am on roam mode.I don't know what to say bro, I'd say try the supps while you can, clean the diet, up the protein, and train your ass off any chance you get.