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Hello i am. 26 yr old male i weigh 187 amd am 6ft3 i eat healthy and xercise 5times a week,ive been workinout since the 8th grade,and i played sports for highschool and college,my body type is lean bcus i have a high metabolism so i am turning to other methods for gains....i got some liquid DBol and sum test 250 and milk thistle,bfore instarted i wanted to get some knowledge on a regimne i should do...any info on the matter would b appreciated
You need a proper post cycle therapy (pct). That stands for Post Cycle Therapy. You will need some Nolvadex (tamoxifin citrate) or clomid. You can also use both for better results. What type of Test do you have?

I'm not trying to be rude, but spending an extra minute on your posts to use proper grammar does go a long way.