new user test and dbol


im 6ft 155,whats the best use from start to finish,is omnadren ok with these?my goal is rapid weight gain which i will be on a good diet
thwicked1 said:
im 6ft 155, my goal is rapid weight gain

Then eat, eat, and when you think you're full, eat some more.

Seriously, at your height and weight, I doubt anyone will mistaken you for a 'bodybuilder', fitness guru, or even a Richard Simmons' stand in. Don't take this personally, it's just constructive criticism. We all have to start somewhere.

You shouldn't even touch an anabolic at this point in your progression. Buy some creatine powder, a jug of whey protein, and begin eating like a bodybuilder (steak, chicken, tuna, turkey, whole milk, peanut butter). I'm assuming your an ectomorph/hardgainer so don't worry too much about fat/carb intake, just consume those calories/protein. Focus on basic compound movements in the gym (squats, bench, rows, deads).

I've witnessed guys that jumped on right from the get-go and didn't put in their time training naturally. Sure they blew up (to a degree), but in almost every instance they lost just about everything they gained while on after they came off. They never developed that hardcore strength base naturally. Develop your base first, then if you decide anabolics will help you jump that next plateau, consider them.
HeHateMe said:
I've witnessed guys that jumped on right from the get-go and didn't put in their time training naturally. Sure they blew up (to a degree), but in almost every instance they lost just about everything they gained while on after they came off. They never developed that hardcore strength base naturally.

furthermore how many people are stuck right back at square one but now carrying the sides from the cycle (ie. gyno being the most common). then we wonder why roids get such a bad rap. education is key.
plus dbol, plus asking what post cycle therapy (pct) is, plus asking about dieting. and the last thing he wants to hear is get off the drugs stat.