NEw Whinny Recipe


New member
Hey This is my First Thread on here but i wanted to share this since i've been reading everyones findings on here and they have been very helpful. I thought it was time I contributed back to the forum.
After alot of trial and error I worked up the following formulation for whinny below.
It worked great i was able to filter at 40 degrees celcius with out any crashing and there was absolutely not clumping.
My goal was to try and use as little BB as possible reason being, when i tried a formulation that called for just BB an no peg I got a Sustanon (sust) flu reaction everytime i used it. For some reason I think i might be slightly allergic to BB in high conc. If anyone has had similar issues and possibly might have more insight into this i would greatly appreciate it.
In any event please look over the fromulation below and let me know what you think

50 ml of Whinney 50mg/ml

2.5 g Whinney powder (1.9 ml)
5% PEG 400 ( 2.5 ml)
5% BB (2.5 ml)
5% PS 80 (2.5 ml)
total volume = 9.4 ml

Heres how i did it in steps with epect to Temp and reagent adding

1. measured out the PEg 400 + BB in a beaker
2. weighed out Whinney powder 2.5g
3. measured out the PS 80 but did not add it to the beaker
4. heated peg and BB slowly brought temp up to over 200 degrees celcius
5. Added Whinney powder slowly while sitrring
6. heat at 200 celcius for 3 minutes after the whinney was totaly dissolved
7. lowered Temp down to 80 degrees Celcius
8. Added PS 80 and stirred ( i think its important to add the ps 80 at this temp so that it can do whats its designed to do, I feel it breaks down too much at higher temps)
9. Brought Temp down slowly to 40 degrees celcius
10. Filtered 25 ml of Distilled Water into 50ml bottle.
11. drew up and ran through a New (not the one o filtered the Distilled water) .45 micron filter at a decent rate shaking the bottle so the whinney did not turn in a clump on the bottom of the bottle
purged the filter with 5 cc of air.
12. shook the hell out of the bottle then filled to volume filtering 15.6 ml of distilled water. and shook again.
Result milky 50mg/ml Whiny painless injection through a 25g pin haven't tried it through anything smaller.

i hope this helps
Nice first post with thoughtful and well explained info. Welcome to the board!
DougoeFre5h said:
Looks good to me, thats the basic way I've done it in the past. Good job!

Thanks Bro
m working on some other stuff when i get them down pat ill post them up.
thank you again for your input... I appreciate it.
Thoms said:
Nice first post with thoughtful and well explained info. Welcome to the board!

Thank you very much like i said to Doug i have more preps im working on if i can perfect them i'll post them up. Thank you very much for welcoming me to the Forum.
