Newb potentially starting TRT in the next few months. Advice?

I have my next labs in about 3 weeks and follow up in 4. Should I think about trying to get a private blood test? I'm in a state that's requires a prescription. Or consider getting some ralox?

I would get private blood work now given how cheap and easy it is. What is the advantage of waiting when you have concerns that your hormone levels are out of line?
I would get private blood work now given how cheap and easy it is. What is the advantage of waiting when you have concerns that your hormone levels are out of line?

I don't know how to get private blood work done in my state since it requires a prescription. Can I just drive to a state that allows private? Will they take me?
I don't know how to get private blood work done in my state since it requires a prescription. Can I just drive to a state that allows private? Will they take me?

Have you noticed that link below in my signature? It tell you exactly how to get private blood work! You just have to click on it and read. :-)
I don't know how to get private blood work done in my state since it requires a prescription. Can I just drive to a state that allows private? Will they take me?

Have you thought about telling your doctor your concerns and asking him to write you a scrip for blood work? Might be just that easy.
Have you thought about telling your doctor your concerns and asking him to write you a scrip for blood work? Might be just that easy.

Thanks for the reply Cap'n. Yes, I just emailed him this morning. It would just be so much easier if my state allowed private blood work to be done through one of the websites.
Thanks for the reply Cap'n. Yes, I just emailed him this morning. It would just be so much easier if my state allowed private blood work to be done through one of the websites.

I hear ya. I'm in central NY and we need a scrip here too. But, my doc has no issues with getting me blood work whenever I want it. Used to live in Nevada and it was quick & easy without needing a doc.
I hear ya. I'm in central NY and we need a scrip here too. But, my doc has no issues with getting me blood work whenever I want it. Used to live in Nevada and it was quick & easy without needing a doc.

Ah yes, so you know the struggle haha. So when you ask your doc for bloodwork do you just specify which tests you want done? If the doc writes a script can you just go to any Labcorp or lab center like that to have the blood drawn, or do they specify where to go? I've only done hormone testing through my doc's hospital lab and it takes like a week for the results to get to me.
Ah yes, so you know the struggle haha. So when you ask your doc for bloodwork do you just specify which tests you want done? If the doc writes a script can you just go to any Labcorp or lab center like that to have the blood drawn, or do they specify where to go? I've only done hormone testing through my doc's hospital lab and it takes like a week for the results to get to me.

Yep, that's all I do. Give him a list, go over it together, give him solid reasoning for the tests I'm requesting, and he takes care of the rest. You can go anywhere you like as far as I know. I haven't had any issues and have gotten my results usually in less than 24 hours.
Got my first lab after starting TRT on Jan. 27, 2016. Started at 100mg 1x per week for 3 weeks, then switched to 50mg 2x per week for the past 2 weeks. Pre-TRT labs had my TT around 270, E2: 19, FSH & LH very high as I'm primary hypogonadal.

Blood draw was on a Wednesday morning before pinning. I was originally injecting once a week on Wednesday night; now I'm injecting 50mg Sunday morning, and 50mg Wednesday night.

Total Testosterone: 991 ng/dL (Range: 249-836 ng/dl)
Estradiol: 29 pg/mL (only female ranges shown)
LH: 0.7 mIU/ml (only female ranges shown)
FSH: 1.8 mIU/ml (only female ranges shown)

TT is a little high, but E2 is under 30. I went in for this early blood test (was supposed to be mid-March) because I felt some symptoms of high E2 (sensitive nips, night sweats).

Let me know if anyone sees any glaring issues. Would TT level out to be a little lower after a few more weeks/months of doing 2x per week pins instead of 1x? I'm going for a follow up this Wednesday. If they try to lower my dose should I push back since it is so early in the process?

EDIT: I've been feeling pretty good the past couple of weeks, and pre-TRT symptoms are clearing up (afternoon/evening exhaustion, irritability, brain fog). I've even been feeling more confident socially - like more direct and not afraid to make full eye contact for a whole conversation, or drill down on something that I want to know more about. Oh, sex with the wifey has been great, too. Drive is definitely back. Progress in the gym seems good so far, but time will tell on that one.
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Got my first lab after starting TRT on Jan. 27, 2016. Started at 100mg 1x per week for 3 weeks, then switched to 50mg 2x per week for the past 2 weeks. Pre-TRT labs had my TT around 270, E2: 19, FSH & LH very high as I'm primary hypogonadal.

Blood draw was on a Wednesday morning before pinning. I was originally injecting once a week on Wednesday night; now I'm injecting 50mg Sunday morning, and 50mg Wednesday night.

Total Testosterone: 991 ng/dL (Range: 249-836 ng/dl)
Estradiol: 29 pg/mL (only female ranges shown)
LH: 0.7 mIU/ml (only female ranges shown)
FSH: 1.8 mIU/ml (only female ranges shown)

TT is a little high, but E2 is under 30. I went in for this early blood test (was supposed to be mid-March) because I felt some symptoms of high E2 (sensitive nips, night sweats).

Let me know if anyone sees any glaring issues. Would TT level out to be a little lower after a few more weeks/months of doing 2x per week pins instead of 1x? I'm going for a follow up this Wednesday. If they try to lower my dose should I push back since it is so early in the process?

EDIT: I've been feeling pretty good the past couple of weeks, and pre-TRT symptoms are clearing up (afternoon/evening exhaustion, irritability, brain fog). I've even been feeling more confident socially - like more direct and not afraid to make full eye contact for a whole conversation, or drill down on something that I want to know more about. Oh, sex with the wifey has been great, too. Drive is definitely back. Progress in the gym seems good so far, but time will tell on that one.

So far so good. Check blood work again in another month. Ask for E2 Sensitive (LC/MS/MS). It is more precise.
Results: Total Testosterone: 991 ng/dL (Range: 249-836 ng/dl)

TT is a little high.

I don't think 991 ng/dL is too high. I love the feeling I get when my TT is around 1100 to 1200 (my lab has 1100 at top of normal range). Almost 3 years on TRT and no observed adverse effects from those levels.
So, my after my follow up with my urologist he refilled my prescription since I only had a few weeks worth of Test left. We talked about prescribing me the 10mL vial of 200mg/mL, and he was fine with that so he called it into CVS. I was very satisfied.

The next day I go to pick up my prescription and CVS gives me 4 1mL vials of 200mg/mL. FUCK. I emailed the doc but he hasn't responded yet. I'm guessing this is my CVS' stupid adherence to the FDA 60 day supply recommendation or some shit. Really annoying. Is this my docs fault, or is this CVS being assholes?

Anyway, I'm keeping the vials because I paid for them and I don't want to deal with it right now. The price actually wasn't bad for an 8 week supply.

Question: it's tough to draw a full dose when the 1mL vials get low (or any vial for that matter, I guess) - can I save those last drops in several vials and use the "dregs" for a single pin by drawing from all of the almost empty vials with one syringe/needle? Would I need to switch needles after each vial draw?