Hey folks thanks for the info......I will add some back history to my story.
Always active with BJJ training and extensive offload motorcycle competition/riding....in the past -early 20's to 30's was a gym head focused on isometric,flexibility and lean mass achieved 190 lbs and kept between 2-7% bf (measured monthly at the gym) and cycling.
Now 46 and I believe I built a platform physique wise and sustained it for most of my life. Any time I felt inactive and metabolism slowed I sped up things to get back to the manageable tone-I guess to gauge that would be if my abs were showing. Anyway with the Lyme's as mentioned initially it messed up my plumbing so food intake was hit or miss and wavered in size and physique. Lowest weight these past 2 yrs was 154 lbs.Normal weight of 175, I obviously I felt weak and feeble.
And agreed along with everyone's comments, that I did not have a protocol in place prior so I am going with my own intuition on how I react.
And yes most likely a waste of money/time BUT what I have noticed and am noticing is that after the initial "Ginormous" puff went down and could fit back into my pants, is that I have definitely elevated energy levels and my physique is definable and weight gains of 8 lbs. Perhaps water but feels like lean mass(the puff has subsided).
I feel as if I were going to the gym and the tone is of just that. My weekly physical therapy for the Distal tear left Bicep is going well . I am way ahead of the healing curve/regimen{full range of motion and able to use my bicep around 40 lbs without pushing it or feeling a strain} as stated by the Physician but wants to keep me to same protocol as per norm. And I understand that. So with that being said I am only allowed to do resistance bands,cycling and rowing......obviously nothing that will add weight or excessive strain to the tendon. All the muscles that have been "sleeping" seem to been woken up. I cycle 3 x's a week and the leg pump is awesome many steep hills by me. Also feel it in my core and arms.
My overall goal was to light a fire under my ass to get some energy and the ball rolling on the heal and snap back. I believe that is happening. Now will it stick and stay? Most likely not and will have to have a regimen in place once cleared by the Physician. But at least the lethargy and aches have subsided from the Lyme's. No its not blooming and an altered diet has staved the ailments off.
I have also notice "Big Jim and the Twins" very alive. There's a monster in my shorts.....been chasing the wife around the house for the past few weeks
Id like to thank all for their input truly helpful......I can say that this endeavor has as of now brought me back to feeling good and healthy. If anyone knows about that damn tick bite and Lyme's or someone who has had it....it is awful and can hit each person with different ailments.
To Recap
First 2 weeks: Small vial reconstituted with 1 IU of water--- rHGH at 0.8IU per day - .4IU(insulin pin ) in the am and .4 IU in the pm. Now 3rd week going into the 4th week is 2 days off and 5 days on of .4 IU per day in the am.
Initially Test E at 750 mg every 5 days and quite honestly attempting to stuff 3 IU's in my glute and thigh was like walking around with a wallet under my skin.
I did back it down to 250 mg every 3 days but felt like it was tapering off too much so went with 300 mg every 3 days or 1.5 IU's and it seems to be the "sweet Spot" and my glute and thigh are thanking me. I can pin in these spots every 3 days and not feel the PIP.
Diet consists of a zero to low sugar,low carb, low caffeine intake with:
Hard boiled eggs in the am
Chicken , quinoa, greens and leafy vegetables and coconut oil and water.
Pineapple , strawberry, blueberry and Banana smoothies with 27 Grams of vegan protein and a fiber supplement, coconut water, almond milk ---this primarily is my sugar source for the day.
90 - 100 ounces of H2O daily.
My morning go go juice:
MSM for the joints anti inflammatory seems to work for me compare to Glucosamine.
Mothers Vinegar unfiltered.
Chlorella<Algae Detoxification. Chlorella is a source of Chlorophyll, Protein, Iron, Magnesium, and amino acids, but it is primarily known as a detoxifying supplement. Its tiny size and unique properties make it able to bind to heavy metals and unwanted chemicals in the body.
BCAA's w/ green tea extract.
I have been running this concoction for about 2 mnths and just added the Chlorella to it and have also notice a my energy is lasting even longer.
i will post a before and after pic I believe that tells the tale better.
Thanks again....happy gains.