

New member
Hey guys I am completely new to all of this! I am almost 27 years old, 5' 6", I weigh 209 lbs, roughly 20-25% body fat, just now working out again, and have been doing a ok diet (I think). I've been making dinners from the dolce diet cookbook, eating fit meals from subway, yogurts, water, and green tea. I'm eating fruits and vegetables when I can.

I have not set diet. Just try to make healthy meals. Again, very new to this whole thing. I also take c4 20-30 min before I work out then whey protein after. I do 30 min of cardio 4-5 times a week and slowly getting back into lifting (hernia repair few years ago).

I was talking to a buddy about supplements when receiving a pm from his buddy saying I shouldn't waste money on the supplements and should try a cycle of sustanon and enathate. I told him I've been offered before just scared of side effects or if its right for me.

I would love to drop this gut and start to get shredded! Please help! Thanks for the help and the possible bashings. :-)
It all depends on what you are wanting to look like. Are you trying to get jacked and cut? Cut? Built? First i would just slim down body fat by diet and working out. The best thing to cut that fat for now is cardio. Get that heart rate up and keep it up. Burn those calories. You need to really get a meal plan, keep track of cals, carbs, fat, and cholest. After you have got ur body use to working out again and some what in shape, then opt for a cutting cycle (Stan or Sust are great for that). And really read up on these forums. Learn as much as you can before you go pinning. I had a couple of buddies that ran the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) diet with awesome results.
I'm doing good with the heart rate when doing cardio. I have the elevation training mask 2.0 which really pushes me and gets the hear rate up. I would like to get cut and be in the best shape of my life. I'm finally at the point in my life where I'm dedicated and my health means something to me. Care to explain this Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) diet?
hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in actually a hormone the produced by the female body doing pregnancy. Dont worry, you wont turn into a allows male and female bodies to almost use only your bodies fat as an energy source. When used in conjuction with a ultra low 500 cal a day diet, well it burns fat. If you want a more indepth answer than this, then jump on youtube or research it further. I am not saying go and do it, just that i have known people who have got great results on it. Research is key.
I have a problem with the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) diet. I find it hard to believe that starving your body by eating 500 calories is good for you. Anyone without any hormones can loose weight with a 500 cal diet. I don't see it just burning fat without taking muscle with it.
I have a problem with the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) diet. I find it hard to believe that starving your body by eating 500 calories is good for you. Anyone without any hormones can loose weight with a 500 cal diet. I don't see it just burning fat without taking muscle with it.

The point of running hCG on the low carb diet is the fact that it stops you from loosing lean muscle mass!!! Research it before you go posting stuff.
The point of running hCG on the low carb diet is the fact that it stops you from loosing lean muscle mass!!! Research it before you go posting stuff.

Low carb diets work regardless of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) being used or not. They put your body into ketoacidosis which allows you to burn fat stores instead of relying on glucose for energy. The Atkins diet really brought this into the public spotlight during the early 2000's, and it DOES work - it's just a royal bitch to stay on since NOBODY carries low carb food alternatives in the grocery store anymore. 500 kilo-calories a day is not only nonsense, it's dangerous. The human brain ALONE requires 300-400 kcals a day, so I can only imagine how sick people feel while on this stupid fad.

The FDA has ordered a complete shut down of all HCG-diet related sites yet "health clinics" still advertise despite cease and desist orders. It's amazing what these greedy bottom feeders will do to make a quick buck off of a desperate person. If you can find one legitimate study indicating that Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) works for the purposes indicated in the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) diet, I would be REALLY surprised - and so would the FDA. I'm sure chopping off a leg would drop 30lbs from the scale, but would you want to do it?

To the OP: If you want a diet that WORKS, hit up 3J on this very forum. He has a thread for advice and even does consulting for a few with proven results and from what I've seen has reasonable prices. I plan on using him myself once my tax refund hits the bank to see what he can do for me.

My .02c :)
Low carb diets work regardless of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) being used or not. They put your body into ketoacidosis which allows you to burn fat stores instead of relying on glucose for energy. The Atkins diet really brought this into the public spotlight during the early 2000's, and it DOES work - it's just a royal bitch to stay on since NOBODY carries low carb food alternatives in the grocery store anymore. 500 kilo-calories a day is not only nonsense, it's dangerous. The human brain ALONE requires 300-400 kcals a day, so I can only imagine how sick people feel while on this stupid fad.

The FDA has ordered a complete shut down of all HCG-diet related sites yet "health clinics" still advertise despite cease and desist orders. It's amazing what these greedy bottom feeders will do to make a quick buck off of a desperate person. If you can find one legitimate study indicating that Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) works for the purposes indicated in the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) diet, I would be REALLY surprised - and so would the FDA. I'm sure chopping off a leg would drop 30lbs from the scale, but would you want to do it?

To the OP: If you want a diet that WORKS, hit up 3J on this very forum. He has a thread for advice and even does consulting for a few with proven results and from what I've seen has reasonable prices. I plan on using him myself once my tax refund hits the bank to see what he can do for me.

My .02c :)

I saw his thread. My only thing is I don't know what half of it means right now. I'm not on a stable diet or anything like that. My lunch and dinners consist of googling healthy recipes and finding one that sound good and making them. What kind of consulting and what prices? Thanks for the info.
The point of running hCG on the low carb diet is the fact that it stops you from loosing lean muscle mass!!! Research it before you go posting stuff.

Obviously I struck a nerve. In any case I have researched stuff, the way you talk maybe you should too. Its the magic pill mentality.
I saw his thread. My only thing is I don't know what half of it means right now. I'm not on a stable diet or anything like that. My lunch and dinners consist of googling healthy recipes and finding one that sound good and making them. What kind of consulting and what prices? Thanks for the info.

3J has a list of his services on his website (he's a board sponsor) at 3J's Nutrition | Diet and fitness consulting to get you to the next level.. It's a lot to take in, but keep reading and it will all start to make sense eventually. ;) The hardest part in my opinion is actually taking the time to figure out WHAT you're eating. Being able to add up the calories you consume per day along with their macronutrient composition (carbohydrates/proteins/fats) can be really dizzying at first, but gets easier once you get into the swing of things.

Good luck! :)
3J has a list of his services on his website (he's a board sponsor) at 3J's Nutrition | Diet and fitness consulting to get you to the next level.. It's a lot to take in, but keep reading and it will all start to make sense eventually. ;) The hardest part in my opinion is actually taking the time to figure out WHAT you're eating. Being able to add up the calories you consume per day along with their macronutrient composition (carbohydrates/proteins/fats) can be really dizzying at first, but gets easier once you get into the swing of things.

Good luck! :)

Thanks man! It's def odd to me especially since I don't know what it means. Haha. I'll learn over time though. Thanks again!