Newbie. Anavar+Masteron cycle


New member
I'm yet another newbie to this whole thing. I'm about five months out from my first bikini competition and my trainers have me running 10mg of anavar a day and a shot of masteron twice a week. I have been taking the var for about 5 weeks already and did my first shot of masteron earlier this week. I've already started breaking out in my chest, chin & back. I just don't really know what to expect while running this cycle. Can anyone give me some info and maybe some pointers on how to get rid of this damn acne?
Bikini and they want you on masteron? No ma'am. This will not be conducive if you want to do bikini
Bikini and they want you on masteron? No ma'am. This will not be conducive if you want to do bikini

They now have me running 10mg of var a day, 10mg of winstrol and 15mg of masteron every 3 days. I'm just not sure if they know what they're doing or if I'm their guinea pig.