Newbie cycle(prop) Advice


New member
Hows it going guys? Been lurking for a year on these and several other forums. Looking for advice on my first cycle please. Im 27 years old about 183 lbs 10%bf

I chose prop simply because i can jump off it quick if necessary due to any possible bad sides. Not too concerned over the pain of injections, pretty good at dealing with pain.

I want to keep it simple but smart, if possible. Heres what im considering

1-8 test prop 100 eod
1-8 aromasin 6.25ed
7-8 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250iu 2xwk or 500iu 2xwek?

Clmoid 50/50/50/50 or 50/50/25/25 to taper off not sure?
9-12 aromasin 12.5 ed

Please critique

Some of the things im not sure about yet

1 - Should i do aromasin at 12.5ed off the bat on cycle or start off with 6.25 and up it if signs of sides?

2 - Again not too sure about the dosing of hcg? Seen all sorts of recommendations such as 250/500ius 2xwk to even 500ius everyday for 10 days leading up to the 4 days before starting serms . Would really appreciate help with this

3 - Again seen all sorts of recommendations for clomid dosing. Some say lower dosses are better some say higher.

4 - Would a more natural test booster supplement as an addition to my pct be of any use? Any recommendations?
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The pct that is recommended for starter cycles is

Clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolvadex 40/40/20/20.

I did it after my first cycle and seemed to recover rather quickly. Good luck
First cycle I would recommend Test E. Its smoother and easier to manage plus less pinning. But if your set on test prop go for it. Also i would run 10-12wk at 500mg wkly....NO stane shouldnt be dosed right away because you will crash E2 levels. Since your running prop I would recommend you start dose at .5ml Ed at the end of week 2 and adjust accordingly. Stane should be ran throughout the whole cycle then stoped once PCT begins.. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 2x wkly at 250ius. Your pct should also include nolva. Here is what recommend any questions feel free.

1-10= Test prop 130mg eod (520mg wkly)
1-10 =HCG 250ius @ 2x wk (500ius wkly)
3-12 =Aromasin .5ml ed (adjust if needed)
12-16 PCT=Clomid 70/30/30/30 Nolva 40/20/20/20
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From all the reading i have done it seems like the general idea is that there is no need to do higher doses of test for longer cycles?
From all the reading i have done it seems like the general idea is that there is no need to do higher doses of test for longer cycles?

You have to remember that while you are on cycle you are completely shut down, the longer you are on cycle the harder it is to recover.
So wouldnt it make sense for me to go with a moderate 8 week cycle of 100mg prop eod per week = 350mg per week?
So wouldnt it make sense for me to go with a moderate 8 week cycle of 100mg prop eod per week = 350mg per week?

Not long enough, it takes about 6 weeks for the Test to kick in.

Edit: I am not an expert but I have been researching for a while and read as much as I can.
Prop shuts you down almost immediately. I feel it after 3-4 days personally. I would run the prop at least 8 weeks and at 500mg's a week. I love prop it is my favorite ester of test! But I can tell you for your first cycle your going to get over the EOD pinning and be in pain all over from the injections as you need to switch up the sites.
350 mgs is just over a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose. Try and get closer to 500 mgs.
Jets is right and his avatar has the best tits ever. You'll be needing a bunch of different injection sites when you run prop. I love prop too, swear by it, but the constant pinning and switching of sites does get tiresome. I use ten diff sites while on prop
Being that prop mg for mg is a lot more concentrated than enan and cyp wouldnt the dosage at 100mgeod prop equal to or be close to running 500mg of enan per week?
Good point, but I don't think it comes that close. Maybe shoot for 450 and that'd be close enough.
Alright so ill go with 125mg eod. Thanks for your response BigRusst - why do you not recommended aromasin at the beginning of cycle but instead at the start of the 3rd week into the cycle? from everything ive read its always a good idea to take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) right from the start as its better to prevent gyno from forming rather than wait for symptoms to occur. Whats the reasoning behind this?
With prop start the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) right away, like I said prop shuts you down quick thus raises your test levels quicker and E2.
Sounds good, so im looking at

1-8 125mg eod prop
1-8 aromasin 12.5mg ed
1-8 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250ius 2xwk


9-12 clomid 50/50/50/50
9-12 nolva 40/40/20/20
9-12 aromasin 12.5mg ed

Look good?

Should i up the aromasin for the pct?
Sounds good, so im looking at

1-8 125mg eod prop
1-8 aromasin 12.5mg ed
1-8 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250ius 2xwk


9-12 clomid 50/50/50/50
9-12 nolva 40/40/20/20
9-12 aromasin 12.5mg ed

Look good?

Should i up the aromasin for the pct?

Stop taking the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) once you start PCT.
Test prop is a fast working ester yes, and you will feel it with in 3-5 days, but it wont be "fully" kicked in untill about week 2. Like I said above if you start the stane to early you will crash your estro. Also like i said above your PCT should not included stane. Stane should be ran through cycle then stopped once you start post cycle therapy (pct). Run your cycle for 10wks and your PCT should be started 3-4 days after you last pin. Not right away.

Edit: forgot you were running prop corrections have been made to the post.
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