newbie help


New member
ok i need suggestions on what to take to, obviously to get the biggest and strongest the fastest as safely as possiable.

I was taking creatine, andro, and DHEA before for about a month and it seemed to kick in at about the 2 week period. then i stop working out because of injury related problems. I was taking the formentioned things becasue that is what my brother said i should do. He explained what each did very briefly, so i kinda know what they do.

I guess right now i would be considered in the bulking stage, so i would also like to know what i should take for my cutting stage, and how long i should be on both?

But now that i can work out again i would like some advice on what to take. Any help would be greatly appriciated!
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oh ok sorry.

i am 19, 5'10, 185lbs, i have been lifting for about 3 years( weight training in HS) I have not lifted for about 9 months because of a injury. so most of the mucle i did have turned into fat :(

my goals are as stated to get as big and strong as fast as possiable with the least amount of risk. Possiably do some contests, depending how it all works out.
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Well first I will say, you should not be taking DHEA your just too young, it'll mess up your bodys ability to produce its own, JMO

Then go to a few shows to see what really goes on, an excellent book to start with is titled "Shredded" contests take alot of prep, and money...most of all far as Body weight, someone else will have to assist you with that...
for cutting start with,diet and cardio,your diet is going to be important no matter what you do(bulk,cut) work hard and another biggie sleep!get your rest,thats when you get the most gh and most recovery!you still have lots of natural hormones at that age use them well and you will be ahead of most!your at a great start for height and weight!good luck bro!
thank you both. I really dont know what DHEA is so..... i dont want to do contests just yet, but it might be something i am intrested in later on.

before i started lifting, i was 165 then i gained 20 lbs in about a year with no specific diet or workout, and i have been able to keep it. now i want to turn the fat into muscle. So are there any supplements i can take to help the process????
fat wont turn into muscle but if you have an excess of fat use it to feed muscle growth!work har and heavy for the winter then start a good diet and cardio cutting phase! keep the protien level high and you should be ok.btw whats the bf%?
i dont know my BF i would like to think arrond 18% how long should i be in both bulking a cutting phases? and should i continue to take the andro and creatine but drop the DHEA? Is there anything else i can use to help bulk?