newbie needs advice on staying on or cycling off


New member
Hi, I'm new to this forum and after reading most of the newbie stuff my friend and I might have put the cart b4 the horse. We started back around this last February. We both received each….

2 – Trenbolone 100 10ml bottles
1 – Test proprionate 100mg 10ml bottle
We also had E-liminate as an estrogen blocker for while we were on both.

We started with 1cc tren every 2 days with half a cc of test every 4 days. Eliminate in the morning and at night every day. While I was on the tren I saw big results, but I was getting nipple sensitivity and a lil nipple growth even with the eliminate. Huge sore bulges on our butts too from injection site. I went to half cc of both after a couple weeks. After a few months we got off tren and were just on test and we’ve been on that all the way up till now. We also stopped using the eliminate after we got off tren. We really did no cycles so my first question is, is being on this that long with no cycles ok?? Second question, I’m about a month away from being out of my last test bottle so can I stay on that or should I quit and wait a certain amount of time? If I do need to stop or want to what post stuff do I need? I’ve read on here that ppl use Nolva or Clomid. If that’s what you recommend can I get those at like a supplement store like I did the Eliminate or is it hard to get like the other stuff? And when do I start that? I really don’t have any of the 3 main side effects that I read about except I did get a couple pimples on my shoulder a couple of times, nothing bad. From what I’m reading we might be doing such a low dose of this stuff it might not even be worth it too… not sure. Any advice would help and I thank you guys in advance. You guys seem to be more than experts in this area!
I am no trying to be a jerk, but you guys have gone about this bass ackwards! You have completely done this wrong. There is a lot more to using steroids than just pinning it. Do you guys realize that taking steroids shuts down your natural testosterone production?

You have been on cycle for way too long.

Your doses were poorly chosen.

You used tren on your first cycle and did not use a dopamine agonist.

You did not manage estradiol well.

You don't have your PCT ready.

No blood work.

Didn't use hCG.

Sounds like you kept pinning the same spot.

And I could keep going.

You guys need to come off right away and begin PCT (clomid and nolva). How much have your testicles atrophied?

How old are you guys? Height? Weight? Body fat %?
33 and we r both 6'2" Ive beed around 195 pnds and hes at 240 and has been a lil less than that. im around 16% body fat, hes over 23%. We did every other side every time and after the tren it never balled up again. They have atrophied a lot. No blood work and Ive been good on my blood pressure tho. Can I get the clomid and nolva anywhere or will I have to search a while?
33 and we r both 6'2" Ive beed around 195 pnds and hes at 240 and has been a lil less than that. im around 16% body fat, hes over 23%. We did every other side every time and after the tren it never balled up again. They have atrophied a lot. No blood work and Ive been good on my blood pressure tho. Can I get the clomid and nolva anywhere or will I have to search a while?

At the top of your screen is a banner add for RUI. Get clomid and Nolva there.

Honestly, I was guessing you guys were around 17 years old. Please do LOTS of research before you ever use steroids again.

Make sure you get blood work 6 weeks after PCT to see if you have recovered. Hopefully you guys get lucky and recover fine.
We were given this advice from someone we knew that was on it. I will def b doing a lot more research if I ever do it again. Should I wait to stop taking test until I can get Clomid and Nolva in my system? How long will I need to be on those as well?
Good morning read on what not to do, thank you.

Take the advice given above and next time don't be so quick to start something that can change your life for good
I am no trying to be a jerk, but you guys have gone about this bass ackwards! You have completely done this wrong. There is a lot more to using steroids than just pinning it. Do you guys realize that taking steroids shuts down your natural testosterone production?

You have been on cycle for way too long.

Your doses were poorly chosen.

You used tren on your first cycle and did not use a dopamine agonist.

You did not manage estradiol well.

You don't have your PCT ready.

No blood work.

Didn't use hCG.

Sounds like you kept pinning the same spot.

And I could keep going.

You guys need to come off right away and begin PCT (clomid and nolva). How much have your testicles atrophied?

How old are you guys? Height? Weight? Body fat %?

Geeez - you probably should've asked all these questions prior to starting and have done quite a bit of research to make sure you knew what you were doing. I'm with Megatron on this - research all that he told you (I quoted it) and go from there. At this point you need to come off the gear and get your knowledge up.
I totally agree that more info should have been done before we went on this. We trusted a buddy and that is 100% our fault. I now want to do as much research I can to get off the test.

When I search clomid in the RUI site about it comes back with no results. Is it another name on there site? When I search for Nolva is comes up with (LIQUID TAMOX 50ML 20MG/ML)? I would like to make sure I can get the right stuff so I can at least do the PCT correct since I totally fucked up while I was on it...
i gotcha. What would you guys say is the recommended dose for each and how long for both? I read the attached cycling for beginners and a lot of other forums and ppl have a lot of opinions on duration and amount...
should I do a blood test a couple weeks after I'm off my PCT? I didn't do one b4 I was on so I'm not sure this will even help me since I have no baseline to look at other than maybe the males average for my age and size...
i gotcha. What would you guys say is the recommended dose for each and how long for both? I read the attached cycling for beginners and a lot of other forums and ppl have a lot of opinions on duration and amount...

as many other have said, get that PCT down and attempt to get will feel a hell of a lot better. then take some time and do a little more reading, it truly does wonders. but as far as dose... biggest one I see is DONT DO TREN 1ST GO AROUND! simple test E is the 99% of the best way to go for a good 1st cycle, no sense in adding in too much..just get used to the test. and youll certainly need more than a vial. anyways...keep reading and asking questions and youll be better to start off on. and PS...ditch that guy that was telling you how to run it because obviously something was off there....
i gotcha. What would you guys say is the recommended dose for each and how long for both? I read the attached cycling for beginners and a lot of other forums and ppl have a lot of opinions on duration and amount...

See post #13. Those are the doses for each week that Bigboss recommended. For example, 40mg daily of nolva the first week. 20mg daily of nolva the third week.
should I do a blood test a couple weeks after I'm off my PCT? I didn't do one b4 I was on so I'm not sure this will even help me since I have no baseline to look at other than maybe the males average for my age and size...

Wait 6 weeeka after ending PCT to see if you recovered. Post TT, LH, FSH, Estradiol results here so we can help you interpret them.

By the way, did you donate blood while cycling? If not, your hematocrit is probably really high.