newbie needs advice on staying on or cycling off

Thx Hypnotix! I'm doing a lot of research and you guys really know ur stuff. It does seem like every time I'm feeling good about my research or amounts of dosage that there's always someone that suggests something diff lol... Then it sets me back and makes me second guess my choices for instance, my pct. I decided to do 50/50/50/50 clomid and 40/40/20/20 nolva, but some are saying I can go to 20/20/20/20 nova... I know dif situations call for dif answers, just wish it was all streamline and exact lol. Thank again
Thx Hypnotix! I'm doing a lot of research and you guys really know ur stuff. It does seem like every time I'm feeling good about my research or amounts of dosage that there's always someone that suggests something diff lol... Then it sets me back and makes me second guess my choices for instance, my pct. I decided to do 50/50/50/50 clomid and 40/40/20/20 nolva, but some are saying I can go to 20/20/20/20 nova... I know dif situations call for dif answers, just wish it was all streamline and exact lol. Thank again

Every body reacts different to these things you follow the basic cookie cutter 1st timer stuff and adjust from there based on how you react.
Wanted to update ppl from this thread. I'm done with my pct and I will b getting a blood test in the next 5 weeks. I will post results for interpretation
I feel like I might be getting a lil gyno after my pct... Should I get back on the nolva or will it be too late since I ended my pct 2 weeks ago?
I feel like I might be getting a lil gyno after my pct... Should I get back on the nolva or will it be too late since I ended my pct 2 weeks ago?

I'm not a vet, but you really need some blood work to get an idea of what's going on. If you can hold out another two weeks so that you can run some blood work, that would be optimal.. in my opinion. Right now you are just stuffing shit into your body and have no idea what's going on inside. Don't think for one minute that because you feel "okay", that there isn't some serious HARMFUL stuff going on inside. Get labs after your pct is cleared from your system and do shit the right way. Being as old as you are and not even trying to do research on your own to at least "validate" what your friend was telling you has me leading toward you being much younger then what you state. None the less, just get a damn assessment and take things from there.