Newbie to the juice but not the gym... need advice


New member
I'm on here looking for some advice on oral only options. I know injectables are much better but going down that route is not worth it for me. I don't need anything drastic and I'm not desperate for results. I'm just looking for something to give me a little extra kick to get over a plateau. Here is where I am at.

I started lifting when I was 18. I was 6'5 165 lbs with 10% body fat. I have lifted hard consistently, ate right constantly, and I've always scoffed at juicers. Up until 6 months ago the hardest supplement I've taken was creatine.

Now I am 30 years old, 6'6 265 lbs with 14% body fat. My buddy gave me some Anavar 6 months ago and I have done 2 cycles of Var only in the past 6 months. I got some great pumps and great results but the last cycle seemed a little weaker than the first, so I'm ready to step it up a notch.

I'm looking for a safe mild oral only option to gain some mass and keep the fat low or even lower. I have searched the threads and I cant find anyone with similar stats and a similar situation. It seems like everyone on here are rookie lifters trying to start the juice within the first couple years of lifting. I have already spent thousands of hours of my life in the gym so I feel like I've earned the right to post a noob question. I greatly appreciate any input from anyone with some solid experience. Thank you.
So doing injectables is not a route you want to go down ? then maybe you shouldn't be cycling, seriously. oral only cycles are going to give you all the side effects but not all the results. yes you can do an anavar only cycle as a first cycle and get some descent results but it isn't as optimal, especially for future cycles. maybe you should look into sarms if you're so set on not wanting to inject ?
The reason your last oral only cycle seemed weaker then the first is because YOU are getting weaker by doing oral only cycles ,, your shutting down and suppressing your own testosterone production , keep doing that without replacing the testosterone with exogenous testosterone and pretty soon you'll be shrinking . You need testosterone to grow , you need to run Orals along side injectable testosterone .

Your shutting down your own testosterone and replacing it with a weak oral AAS best suited for girls .. Not a good idea
inb4 megatron asks OP if he is male or female

I'm on here looking for some advice on oral only options. I know injectables are much better but going down that route is not worth it for me. I don't need anything drastic and I'm not desperate for results. I'm just looking for something to give me a little extra kick to get over a plateau. Here is where I am at.

I started lifting when I was 18. I was 6'5 165 lbs with 10% body fat. I have lifted hard consistently, ate right constantly, and I've always scoffed at juicers. Up until 6 months ago the hardest supplement I've taken was creatine.

Now I am 30 years old, 6'6 265 lbs with 14% body fat. My buddy gave me some Anavar 6 months ago and I have done 2 cycles of Var only in the past 6 months. I got some great pumps and great results but the last cycle seemed a little weaker than the first, so I'm ready to step it up a notch.

I'm looking for a safe mild oral only option to gain some mass and keep the fat low or even lower. I have searched the threads and I cant find anyone with similar stats and a similar situation. It seems like everyone on here are rookie lifters trying to start the juice within the first couple years of lifting. I have already spent thousands of hours of my life in the gym so I feel like I've earned the right to post a noob question. I greatly appreciate any input from anyone with some solid experience. Thank you.
Let me tell you something, Truth is you either do it right or don't do it at all because you will be wasting your time and hurting both your health and gains. The only way to do it right is by having a testosterone as your base. Think of this as your foundation. You cannot build anything without a foundation. You can try but the results will be ugly. Even if you run a mild oral like Var, you still need Test because Var still shuts you down.

There is no way around this. You need to read up a lot more.
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I appreciate the feedback guys. From the sound of things I think I'll just stick to keeping it natural. If I change my mind later I'll be back. Thanks again.
I appreciate the feedback guys. From the sound of things I think I'll just stick to keeping it natural. If I change my mind later I'll be back. Thanks again.

sounds good.

orals shutdown your own production of hormones and this is not healthy. not for gains or the body.
if you cant use test as a base or main compound in cycle then avoid aas is what i rec.
using test, even just a low amount will atleast cover your bases for test being in your body and being able to be used for various functions. oral only leaves you with nothing and they dont act in the same way as test would.

good luck man