next "big" cycle


New member
Hey All, I am planning a pretty heavy cycle and would like some input. Here's what I was thinking.
wk5-18 test e 750mg
wk5-18 Eq 600mg
wk1-6 tren ace 50mg/ed
wk1-6 dbol 30mg/ed or tbol 50mg/ed

I cruise on test e 125mg/wk so post cycle therapy (pct) is not a big issue for me. I will be ordering caber as well as aromasin and will probably end up with 12.5 mg aromasin e3d and up it from there and about .5mg/wk of caber ( I think that's all I need ) but I have never used it before. I want to keep these compounds separate and
I will keep my test dose low while running the tren. Tell me what y'all think and PLEASE let me know if this looks screwed up!
I would run the test from week 1 as you will only hit max levels around week 5 anyways
I would Run the EQ from week 1-18 as the longer the better with eq
Aromasin will need to be run EOD at max due to its half life.
0.5 mgs of caber is fine as long as you are splitting it into .25mg doses twice a week again due to half life
Hey All, I am planning a pretty heavy cycle and would like some input. Here's what I was thinking.
wk5-18 test e 750mg
wk5-18 Eq 600mg
wk1-6 tren ace 50mg/ed
wk1-6 dbol 30mg/ed or tbol 50mg/ed

I cruise on test e 125mg/wk so post cycle therapy (pct) is not a big issue for me. I will be ordering caber as well as aromasin and will probably end up with 12.5 mg aromasin e3d and up it from there and about .5mg/wk of caber ( I think that's all I need ) but I have never used it before. I want to keep these compounds separate and
I will keep my test dose low while running the tren. Tell me what y'all think and PLEASE let me know if this looks screwed up!

I would say drop the eq and find some mast or legitimate primo same benefits with lighter sides...blood pressure is a bitch on eq and will probably have to give blood a few times, mud blood...
And I agree, run the test the whole cycle, like why not?
Btw what's your cycle history?
I already have the Eq so I am gonna give it a go. As for running it all from week one, that's fine too. I was trying to avoid estrogen issues as long as possible and if I use dbol I know I will get some bloating and acne no matter how clean my diet is or how many showers I take. The aromasin is there for that but I wanted to stay off of it as long as possible. My cycle history is not that extensive, I have never run tren or deca or Eq but test and dbol I have done twice. The Eq is mild from what I hear so for me the only wild card is tren. I want to avoid sides (of course) but the only way I will find out how it will affect me is to run it.
I already have the Eq so I am gonna give it a go. As for running it all from week one, that's fine too. I was trying to avoid estrogen issues as long as possible and if I use dbol I know I will get some bloating and acne no matter how clean my diet is or how many showers I take. The aromasin is there for that but I wanted to stay off of it as long as possible. My cycle history is not that extensive, I have never run tren or deca or Eq but test and dbol I have done twice. The Eq is mild from what I hear so for me the only wild card is tren. I want to avoid sides (of course) but the only way I will find out how it will affect me is to run it.

My advice for first time tren is to run it alone with test...
That way you can see how well you react with it brother...throwing in something that strong in with another compound you've never used on top of Dbol (which you know you get sides from) might not end well.
My advice is to save the EQ for another cycle by itself (with test obviously) and to run tren and test this cycle.
Or eq first this cycle and tren the next.
Just my opinion brother
Eq is definitely mild but don't let it fool ya the sides can be rough, high BP, increase in red blood cells, crazy appetite.. The Aromatase inhibitor (AI) will help with the BP, schedule a blood donation in the middle of your cycle and at the end if possible.

I am in week 10 of 600mgs of EQ at the moment and my BP is in check and I gave blood in week 8... And I am Loving it, hard hungry and vascular.

You'll experience some water retention and bloating from the dbol but it can be reduced with your diet and the use of an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) from the start. If you are worried about it I would suggest tbol as an alternative, I found it alot less liver toxic and hardly any bloat
I felt the same way tbh so that's why I set it up to be separated in the beginning.

Yea you will never know how any compound effects you until you run it alone with test. Sane reason first cycles should be test only, to test the water.
So to rly know how tren reacts run a test/tren cycle. You will be happy with the results aside from possible sides.
Then save the EQ for when you want to cut down. Still wldnt recommend eq but run it in its own separate cycle to see how it works with your system.
Then the second time you use the compounds do a tren with Dbol kickstart! :)
My next cycle is 800mg/wk TestE and 600mg/wk Eq, already sitting under my sink waiting til i cut back down to single didigit bf% first.. Sorry, i wont tell u what to do, just this is what mine is.
Thanks for the replies fellas. I will think about it I have some time I am not planning on starting until after sept. Maybe I will do a short run of tren and see how it goes. I want to lean down a little anyway before the eq and test starts. the real question is will I be missing out by not stacking dbol with tren? Does tbol and tren have the same synergy?
Thanks for the replies fellas. I will think about it I have some time I am not planning on starting until after sept. Maybe I will do a short run of tren and see how it goes. I want to lean down a little anyway before the eq and test starts. the real question is will I be missing out by not stacking dbol with tren? Does tbol and tren have the same synergy?

No, you will see great gains without the Dbol...maybe the cycle won't hit.hard right away, but.for the sake of your body, best to run tren/test only first...then next tren cycle kick start the Dbol.
Again just my opinion...
And I dont know much about tbol other than its a reformulated Dbol with no bloat.