Hey All, I am planning a pretty heavy cycle and would like some input. Here's what I was thinking.
wk5-18 test e 750mg
wk5-18 Eq 600mg
wk1-6 tren ace 50mg/ed
wk1-6 dbol 30mg/ed or tbol 50mg/ed
I cruise on test e 125mg/wk so post cycle therapy (pct) is not a big issue for me. I will be ordering caber as well as aromasin and will probably end up with 12.5 mg aromasin e3d and up it from there and about .5mg/wk of caber ( I think that's all I need ) but I have never used it before. I want to keep these compounds separate and
I will keep my test dose low while running the tren. Tell me what y'all think and PLEASE let me know if this looks screwed up!
wk5-18 test e 750mg
wk5-18 Eq 600mg
wk1-6 tren ace 50mg/ed
wk1-6 dbol 30mg/ed or tbol 50mg/ed
I cruise on test e 125mg/wk so post cycle therapy (pct) is not a big issue for me. I will be ordering caber as well as aromasin and will probably end up with 12.5 mg aromasin e3d and up it from there and about .5mg/wk of caber ( I think that's all I need ) but I have never used it before. I want to keep these compounds separate and
I will keep my test dose low while running the tren. Tell me what y'all think and PLEASE let me know if this looks screwed up!