Next cycle questions..........................


I am banned!
i just did a 12 week cycle of test e 750mg with 40mg of dbol for first 2 -1/2 weeks, long story why i couldn't do it for 4 weeks straight and then i got OP's anavar to finish off the last 5 weeks 60mg ed. ai was .25 Eod and then i upped i to 0.5 Eod. hcg 500ui every week.
pct; clomid and nlova 100/100/50/50, 40/40/20/20

starting weight 155 bf 14%
ending weight 185 bf 16%
had 3j's help the first 8 weeks, best nurtionist ever trust me guys. his meal plan is on point and its impossible not to get ur goal while on his plan unless if u don't follow it. thanks again bro.

now ever since pct iv lost 3 pounds I'm in my week 3..its not bad because i kept the diet same as before so i think ill be able to keep most of the gains if not all.
while on my pct: other then nova and climid I'm using super t test booster, fish oil, Nac, MHP up your mass, creatine, bcca and glutamine

i like to plan ahead so i wanted some insight on the next cycle, i know i should wait time on+pct and i will but I'm doing early research.

Test e 600mg a week 1-15
Eq 500 mg a week 1-12
anavar 60mg week 8-15
ai: start of with .25 and up the dose to .50
hcg I'm not sure how much i should since this cycle is a bit heavy
pct will be same climid and nova.

the only sides i had while on my test and var cycle was light acne other then that i was fine.
so what do u guys think?
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EQ starts off slow my man you will definitely want a kick start. Looks like you're trying to cut I'd recommend tbol to kick start, it'll get you nice and lean. You could use Sarm S4 in the middle to give your liver a few weeks of resting the use the anavar to shred at the end. All 3 of those are great for cutting.
So with eq i should start off with 400 and work up?
For liver ill be using nac thru out the whole cycle
Thanks for the advice bro il ladd tbol to my cycle
What are your goals ? Did you just randomly pick EQ out of a hat,, or did you select it for a specific purpose
So with eq i should start off with 400 and work up?
For liver ill be using nac thru out the whole cycle
Thanks for the advice bro il ladd tbol to my cycle

No.. He meant eq takes awhile to kick in,, Don't lower the dose, kick start the cycle with a faster acting compound is what he meant
What are your goals ? Did you just randomly pick EQ out of a hat,, or did you select it for a specific purpose

No iv doen my home work and the reason i picked it is because it gives leaner look rather then dbol or decas puffy look and thats what im looking to get. Dont wanna try tren so eq seemed much betted
How was OP anvar @60mg a day? How did you dose it?

I felt it the end of first week and it was amazing. Leaned me out , not getting abs but iw asnt trying to as i was bulking and var was the only thing i could get atm. I took it 3 hours before workout and id take it all at once.
So with eq i should start off with 400 and work up?
For liver ill be using nac thru out the whole cycle
Thanks for the advice bro il ladd tbol to my cycle

Start and finish with the same dose of EQ. EQ takes about 4-6 weeks before it even begins showing effects. So the first 6 weeks you could run tbol because it's effects begin are quick. Week 4-10 you can run S4 it's good for cutting and is not liver toxic, giving your liver 4 weeks to recoup. Week 10-16 finish with the anavar.
No iv doen my home work and the reason i picked it is because it gives leaner look rather then dbol or decas puffy look and thats what im looking to get. Dont wanna try tren so eq seemed much betted

that's because EQ aromatizes very little. . as opposed to say dbol or test. but the "look" is estrogen related, it's not about the actual compound.. EQ doesn't make a guy lean while dbol makes a guy puffy (that's estrogen,, the bulk comes from high estrogen and water retention).
control your e2 and you can get a leaner look on Dbol as well (though obviously there is lot more work controlling e2 with dbol then there is with EQ**).

So its sounds like your wanting to go with compounds that do not aromatize much, or at all.. which will keep estrogen down, thus keep you from getting 'puffy' and holding water,, (again you can do this with other comounds but you'll just need a stronger AI protocol). Other compounds that fit for what your looking for would also be Primobolan, and Masteron.. T-bol is a good oral to kick it off with as well, as it aromatizes far less then Dbol.

** on a side note,, EQ and D-bol are chemically basically the exact same drug.
Another option, if you ever wanted to run a Nandrolone, like deca.. but did not want the "puffy" look (which again can be avoided with a strict AI protocol),, is to run NPP (i.e., fast acting deca). NPP has a short half life, compared to Deca's super long half life. the short half life and injecting eod makes NPP for more stable blood levels, and thus less spikes and fluctuating E2 levels, and thus your able to get a leaner look with NPP (while getting all the muscle mass building benefits that deca is known for)
that's because EQ aromatizes very little. . as opposed to say dbol or test. but the "look" is estrogen related, it's not about the actual compound.. EQ doesn't make a guy lean while dbol makes a guy puffy (that's estrogen,, the bulk comes from high estrogen and water retention).
control your e2 and you can get a leaner look on Dbol as well (though obviously there is lot more work controlling e2 with dbol then there is with EQ**).

So its sounds like your wanting to go with compounds that do not aromatize much, or at all.. which will keep estrogen down, thus keep you from getting 'puffy' and holding water,, (again you can do this with other comounds but you'll just need a stronger AI protocol). Other compounds that fit for what your looking for would also be Primobolan, and Masteron.. T-bol is a good oral to kick it off with as well, as it aromatizes far less then Dbol.

** on a side note,, EQ and D-bol are chemically basically the exact same drug.

dbol-tbol-eq-hdrol-pmag.....are all only 1 molecule away from one another.

Superdrol - pheraplex - dzine - mithras are 1 molecule different...1 molecule makes all the difference in the world

EQ was created trying to figure out how to create a long acting injectable dbol.

Chemistry is cool shit.
Another option, if you ever wanted to run a Nandrolone, like deca.. but did not want the "puffy" look (which again can be avoided with a strict AI protocol),, is to run NPP (i.e., fast acting deca). NPP has a short half life, compared to Deca's super long half life. the short half life and injecting eod makes NPP for more stable blood levels, and thus less spikes and fluctuating E2 levels, and thus your able to get a leaner look with NPP (while getting all the muscle mass building benefits that deca is known for)

Best thing about NPP is you can run it 8 weeks and quit. No worrying with 5 weeks of kick in. Dienolone ace could be another good option. I loved that stuff. Worked better then tren for me.
Best thing about NPP is you can run it 8 weeks and quit. No worrying with 5 weeks of kick in. Dienolone ace could be another good option. I loved that stuff. Worked better then tren for me.

yep.. plus theres always the ability to front load it with deca.. I'm running deca 400 mg a week for 14 weeks, and NPP 300 mg a week for 8 weeks,, the nandrolone is kicking in way quicker.. then I'll ride it out slowly with the deca.
that's because EQ aromatizes very little. . as opposed to say dbol or test. but the "look" is estrogen related, it's not about the actual compound.. EQ doesn't make a guy lean while dbol makes a guy puffy (that's estrogen,, the bulk comes from high estrogen and water retention).
control your e2 and you can get a leaner look on Dbol as well (though obviously there is lot more work controlling e2 with dbol then there is with EQ**).

So its sounds like your wanting to go with compounds that do not aromatize much, or at all.. which will keep estrogen down, thus keep you from getting 'puffy' and holding water,, (again you can do this with other comounds but you'll just need a stronger AI protocol). Other compounds that fit for what your looking for would also be Primobolan, and Masteron.. T-bol is a good oral to kick it off with as well, as it aromatizes far less then Dbol.

** on a side note,, EQ and D-bol are chemically basically the exact same drug.

Yeah bro i know but i dont like to pin a lot thats why i didnt want to take anything else but i will look into primo and mast once again. Im just doijg ny research now rather then just jumping in blindly but thanks for the info, i reappy appreciate it
dbol-tbol-eq-hdrol-pmag.....are all only 1 molecule away from one another.

Superdrol - pheraplex - dzine - mithras are 1 molecule different...1 molecule makes all the difference in the world

EQ was created trying to figure out how to create a long acting injectable dbol.

Chemistry is cool shit.

Your right Dbol and EQ are only 1 molecule off but its a big difference how it works and effects you. I love EQ it does exactly what your wanting it to do with this cycle. However I think your a little on the low side for me and most EQ doesn't really shine until you get above the 600mg a week mark for me it's right around 1 gram where it does the most. For a first timer on EQ I would start at 600 and see how it goes. My gut is 800 a week is perfect though.

Also I would get enough so you could run it the full 15 weeks as mentioned it does take a bit to get rolling. About 6 weeks to get a nice blood level where it will start to put gains on you. I ran EQ my last 2 mass cycles gained 12 the fist time and this past one about 10. So you won't see the huge 30 pound gains like with deca but with EQ it's all quality and you will be so vascular you will have veins showing in your chest and abs.

EQ does do a number on your blood quality!! Do yourself a favor and go donate blood before you go on. You will feel better after the run than if you didn't. Made the mistake of ignoring that last time and ran 1.2 grams of EQ gains were phenomenal but my hematocrit levels were off the fucking charts. VERY IMPORTANT DONATE BEFORE STARTING!!!

NPP is also a good choice. Another favorite of mine. Best cycle I ever did was test, EQ, and NPP, then straight to test P and tren A :) Gained about 20 pounds the first half and then kept all the mass but lost the fat on the second half I was 195 and about 10% BF at the end of that one. my best before was 180 and 10% a year prior.
Unless there are issues with hunger, I still don't fully understand why EQ is even used. I guess I can see performance athletes, but for bb/pl purposes?

It takes a great deal of volume, takes a long time to be active, and is relatively mild. Not to mention the crazy RBC generation properties. Am I missing something here?
Unless there are issues with hunger, I still don't fully understand why EQ is even used. I guess I can see performance athletes, but for bb/pl purposes?

It takes a great deal of volume, takes a long time to be active, and is relatively mild. Not to mention the crazy RBC generation properties. Am I missing something here?

When I used it it worked really well for me. But yes I agree the RBC generation is a bitch. In the future I will stick with other choices.