My next cycle is going to consist of:
Test E @500mg/wk weeks 1-12
Tren Ace @300mg/wk weeks 2-12
PCT - Nolva, Clomid.. possibly Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) this time, although I haven't used it in the past and I've recovered just fine
Diet's already completely planned out
24 yrs
12% BF
So, I'm contemplating kickstarting my next cycle with orals. Thinking dbol or tbol. My experience consists of three cycles, 2 test only and 1 test/tren.. all injectables. I've tried to shy away from orals due to their liver/kidney toxicity but I'm seriously tempted to kick start my next cycle with some. The reason being that I hate the 4-5 week wait until the test really kicks in, although I know the tren will be hitting hard around week 3. I'm normally pretty patient with my cycles since I only like to do 1 or 2 per year, max. So what I'm trying to say is that I want to be making as many gains as possible throughout since I keep my AAS usage frequency to a minimum. So I'm looking for personal opinions.. Is it worth it? I was thinking 10 or 20mg/day weeks 1-5. My only concerns are is a short 5 week period really going to tax my body that much? Also, my last run of test/tren yielded awesome and extremely lean gains, most of which I kept. I'm looking for the same results this time.. is the dbol/tbol going to bloat me the eff up? Which is a better choice for my situation, dbol or tbol?
Test E @500mg/wk weeks 1-12
Tren Ace @300mg/wk weeks 2-12
PCT - Nolva, Clomid.. possibly Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) this time, although I haven't used it in the past and I've recovered just fine
Diet's already completely planned out
24 yrs
12% BF
So, I'm contemplating kickstarting my next cycle with orals. Thinking dbol or tbol. My experience consists of three cycles, 2 test only and 1 test/tren.. all injectables. I've tried to shy away from orals due to their liver/kidney toxicity but I'm seriously tempted to kick start my next cycle with some. The reason being that I hate the 4-5 week wait until the test really kicks in, although I know the tren will be hitting hard around week 3. I'm normally pretty patient with my cycles since I only like to do 1 or 2 per year, max. So what I'm trying to say is that I want to be making as many gains as possible throughout since I keep my AAS usage frequency to a minimum. So I'm looking for personal opinions.. Is it worth it? I was thinking 10 or 20mg/day weeks 1-5. My only concerns are is a short 5 week period really going to tax my body that much? Also, my last run of test/tren yielded awesome and extremely lean gains, most of which I kept. I'm looking for the same results this time.. is the dbol/tbol going to bloat me the eff up? Which is a better choice for my situation, dbol or tbol?