Hey all, i have been on TRT for over 2 years. I was looking for alternatives to IM test cyp injections. My dosage was once a week 80 mg of 200 mg/ml. I could feel by day 5 or 6 that my test was dropping off so i knew my numbers weren't staying consistent. I started reading and talking to people and a few recommended i do some research on switching to subcutaneous test cyp. I did some reading on it and a lot of people noticed an increased ability to burn fat, their E2 levels stayed more consistent, testosterone was way more consistent and some even reporting they didn't have to use a AI.
So i switched it up. I found some bigger needles, 5/8" 27 gauge insulin pins. They are a little slow on the draw but they work. I started noticing a difference after a week. I didn't have the taper offs on 2 injections of 40 mg. I've been doing it for going on my 3rd week now. I haven't had a blood draw done but plan to on Monday.
I work graveyard though, and my problem is most mornings now, i wake up completely drenched in sweat, head to toe. Something is wrong. It's the only time i feel bad, and it only started after i started this subcutaneous injection. I feel an improvement in consistency of my T but i think my E2 may be off or something. I am taking an AI, .25 mg anastrozole 24 hrs after each T dose.
Any thoughts? I know i need a blood test. I may go in Thursday morning instead of waiting until Monday.
Are you drinking extra water in the morning to make up for all that loss?