night sweats after switching T from IM once a week to subcutaneous twice a week

Hey all, i have been on TRT for over 2 years. I was looking for alternatives to IM test cyp injections. My dosage was once a week 80 mg of 200 mg/ml. I could feel by day 5 or 6 that my test was dropping off so i knew my numbers weren't staying consistent. I started reading and talking to people and a few recommended i do some research on switching to subcutaneous test cyp. I did some reading on it and a lot of people noticed an increased ability to burn fat, their E2 levels stayed more consistent, testosterone was way more consistent and some even reporting they didn't have to use a AI.

So i switched it up. I found some bigger needles, 5/8" 27 gauge insulin pins. They are a little slow on the draw but they work. I started noticing a difference after a week. I didn't have the taper offs on 2 injections of 40 mg. I've been doing it for going on my 3rd week now. I haven't had a blood draw done but plan to on Monday.

I work graveyard though, and my problem is most mornings now, i wake up completely drenched in sweat, head to toe. Something is wrong. It's the only time i feel bad, and it only started after i started this subcutaneous injection. I feel an improvement in consistency of my T but i think my E2 may be off or something. I am taking an AI, .25 mg anastrozole 24 hrs after each T dose.

Any thoughts? I know i need a blood test. I may go in Thursday morning instead of waiting until Monday.

Are you drinking extra water in the morning to make up for all that loss?
Capsules will NOT give uniform dosing when broken in half like that. You're easily taking an estradiol rollercoaster as one half may have ALL the active ingredient, and the other just filler. Pills are the only form of meds that can be split in this manner. If this is prescribed adex, either ask for a smaller dose concentration, or go to a compounding pharmacy with your script.

No need to mess with your test levels, I'd leave your injection doses where they are.

My .02c :)

Good info.

So, question about the capsules. What if when i broke one open, i put it in a vial and shook it to mix it well, then split it? Would this do fairly well in equalizing the dose across the split?

Personally when the doc said 18.5 i thought it was low. I know 15 is the low end on most scales but being too close to the low end i've seen symptoms of low E2 begin to show themselves. So i think i will follow the advice given by Lenex and drop the dose again to 1/8 mg and leave the test dose alone like you suggested. I feel better on the high side than the low.

Also, what is a compounding pharmacy? Can i just take my capsules there and they will split them better than i can into the dose i want?

What have i told u buddy. You should drop the adex a little bit because you dont wanna live with low estrogen. Its a big risk for atherosclerosis
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If you know that water COMPLETELY can dissolve the active ingredient (many are alcohol soluble), and the solution is a measured amount, yes.

No, you would take your script to a compounding pharmacy and have them make it for you when you refill.
My meds get sent to me.

So a vitality/wellness clinic? I would contact them to see if they can't source you easier to manage adex doses. Sounds like they have their own in-house compounding lab then, and should be an easy switch.
I can try but they aren't great at adding special requests to pharm orders. Part of the reason I'm moving on after this fiscal year is over.
And unexpectedly i got a meds shipment today. This is why I'm leaving this clinic in August. They didn't even include my 3rd hcg vial.

Anyways, i ended up dropping my test cyp dose again to 32 mg x2. We will see if this helps but i was still having sweats on T days.

I also found a way to mix my anastrozole evenly. I'm going to start mixing 2x .5 mg capsules with 1 ml of vodka. I'll draw the vodka with a syringe and keep the mixture in a sterile place i can just draw from and squirt into a glass of water to drink. People say that it's more alcohol soluble than water, plus alcohol is more sterile for storage. Also mixing in bigger quantities like that with a syringe to draw liquid is much more consistent than dividing powders into even piles. I lowered my dose also to .125 mg and i already feel the difference with my E2.
Lol you dont even need an ai on that dose. Drop the adex as its not as healthy as you think it is. The goal is always to be taking minimum medication possible.
Planning to go the next month with it and get a feel for how I'm doing. Then I'll drop it for a month, see if there's a difference.
Small update. I cut off AI completely. Haven't taken it in 3 weeks. I seem to be absent of some of the symptoms i was having such as weak erections and so on. Pretty sure i was bombing my E2, and i feel much better w/o the AI.
Small update. I cut off AI completely. Haven't taken it in 3 weeks. I seem to be absent of some of the symptoms i was having such as weak erections and so on. Pretty sure i was bombing my E2, and i feel much better w/o the AI.

That is good news. I would get a blood test to confirm your E2. You can get them on your own in most states - no script needed.

Not everyone needs an AI while on TRT. We are all different.