Nipple discharge, slight gyno. Help please.


New member
Hello, i need some help since i went to a few doctors and they dont seem to be giving me useful information.

I was on a 12week cycle, which ended last November. Finished my PCT properly and did everything by the books. Did some blood tests every couple of months, and at the beginning my hormone levels werent in range, but the more i waited, the better they become.

Anyhow during the cycle i started getting a slight pain under my right nipple, and a week or two later i could feel a small lump under my right nipple. I carried on with my cycle and i started to increase my aramidix and tamoxafin dosage. the pain subsided but the lump stayed there. 2 weeks ago i found out that there was some slightly brown nipple discharge, from both sides. I got worried so i went to 2 endocrinologist and got myself checked up. he checked for lumps and asked for some blood work and told me it was just the gyno and maybe the effect of diuretics. My test and free test levels are in range, estrogen levels aswell. Prolactin level is below range.
What do i do? and whats the explanation for this.
Another issue i found is that my liver functions are a bit elevated. AST is at 120, ALT is st 63.
This worried me aswell so i went and got myself tested for Hepatitis a,b and c, and it turned out negative. I dont take any medication and i havent been taking any supplements for the past month.
Stop playing with your nipples. Seriously. Constantly stimulating them can induce non-prolactin related discharge. If you indeed have gyno, I'd hit up the FAQ thread on gynecomastia - there's a great deal of information in there that may help you reverse it.

My .02c :)
Please post what your cycle and PCT was. And please post your blood work results.

For your liver take some NAC ~1200mg daily and LIV.52 (available on Amazon). Give TUDCA some consideration too.
Ill take a look. Im not playing with them haha. My gf pinched me and she was like wtf something is coming out, i managed to convinced her she was crazy and that she was just imagining things. :/
Cycle was
wk 1-6
500mg boldinon per week
trenbolone enanthate 76.5mg eod
500mg test enanthate per week
week 7-12
300mg stanazolol per week
300mg masteron per week
Anavar tablets 50mg ED
300 testosterone prop per week.

I took aramidix eod throughout the cycle along with liver support sillymarin, prostate support, kidney cleanse.
Finished cycling and i continued on the same supplements along with aramidix, added natural test boosters along with vit C, colon cleanse and multi vits.
Cycle was
wk 1-6
500mg boldinon per week
trenbolone enanthate 76.5mg eod
500mg test enanthate per week
week 7-12
300mg stanazolol per week
300mg masteron per week
Anavar tablets 50mg ED
300 testosterone prop per week.

I took aramidix eod throughout the cycle along with liver support sillymarin, prostate support, kidney cleanse.
Finished cycling and i continued on the same supplements along with aramidix, added natural test boosters along with vit C, colon cleanse and multi vits.

How much Arimidex?

I thought you said you ran PCT???????????

Did you use a Dopamine Agonist?

Blood work results?

No hCG while on cycle?

Why stop the Tren ane Boldenone after 6 weeks right when they are starting to actually kick in with saturated serum levels?

Silymarin is pretty worthless for liver suport as shown by your lab work results.
I was and still am quite inexperienced when it comes to cycling properly thats why im here to seek help and to properly cycle as safely as possible in the future. i took a tablet eod for a month. And no i did not use dopamine.
I knew i should have done more research but i was depending on a trainer who supposedly knew what he was doing but i was mistaken:/
My ALT is 119
AST is 63.
Total Test is 6.09. ref range: 2.50 - 11.0
Free Test 12.10 ref range 1.00 - 28.30
E2 12.7 Ref range 10 - 52.0
FSH 1.4 ref range 1.4-15.4
LH 2.0 ref range 1.5-9.3
Prolactin 3.18 ref range 4.04-15.20
I did aramidex for a month, EOD.
along with natural test boosters, vit C, liver and kidney support, Colon cleanse, prostate support and multi vits.
I did aramidex for a month, EOD.
along with natural test boosters, vit C, liver and kidney support, Colon cleanse, prostate support and multi vits.

You should run a real PCT consisting of Clomid and Nolva.

Click the FAQs link below in my signature. You really need to start doing some homework. Your "friend" did you a huge disservice. You should punch him in the nose for fucking your body upo with such terrible advice.

P.S. when saying you ran something like Arimidex please always list the milligrams.
Yes, i learnt my lesson, and i really do appreciate the help.
my bad, I did aramidex 1mg EOD.
Is it okay for me to run PCT even though im 5 months off?
And shouldnt i worry about getting my enzymes in check first and sorting out whats wrong with them before taking any more medication or supplementation?
What else shall i do about it?
Yes, i learnt my lesson, and i really do appreciate the help.
my bad, I did aramidex 1mg EOD.
Is it okay for me to run PCT even though im 5 months off?
And shouldnt i worry about getting my enzymes in check first and sorting out whats wrong with them before taking any more medication or supplementation?
What else shall i do about it?

Take some time and do some reading. It will make it a lot easier for all of us to have a dialogue once you have a few of the basics down. Just click on every link in that thread. Then read all the other sticky threads. Read until your eyes pop out. :-)
Let's keep things inside this thread so other guys can contribute. It is good to get lots of eyes on this so you get the best advice possible.
Why did you start with test e ? Then switch to test prop???? And how many cycles have you done goodluck with the nipples haha
Let's keep things inside this thread so other guys can contribute. It is good to get lots of eyes on this so you get the best advice possible.

Okay from reading heres what i learnt.

Progesterone - use Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) - Use aromasin WHILE running it says,
Do i need to do anything about it now? I'll obviously go get my bloodwork on it aswell today.
EDIT: I did some more reading, im not suppose to take AI's post cycle, so i'll just see what my bloodwork brings up and i'll take a lead from there.


My LH/FSH Levels are still low, So with the Tamoxifen i'll be using, i'll add Clomid aswell to help restores those levels and get them in check.
I'm still not sure and i couldnt find how to dose them properly, so correct me here if im wrong. I'll be doing:
Tamoxifen 40mg EOD, and for clomid, how do i dose it?

So what i managed to conclude:

I'll take:
week 1: 40mg nolvadex eod, 100mg clomid ed
week 2: 20mg nolvadex eod, 50mg clomid ed
week 3: 20mg nolvadex eod, 50mg clomid ed
week 4: 20mg nolvadex md.
-- So this is a solution for my low LH/FSH levels and gyno.

What about my low Prolactin levels? should i worry about it or do anything to it?
I just did some more blood work, and checked my Progesterone levels, results should be out by tomorrow.
The other thing i'm still worried about is the elevated liver enzymes. Is it natural to flunctuate 5months after my cycle? What should i do about it.
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What units is the Total Test of 6.09 in? And how aboout your E2 of 12.7?

I gave you some suffers for your liver in Post #3.

Your prolactin looks OK, but it is weird that you are Lactating. I want to get the above units, but I am thinking that running some caber or Prami may not be the worst idea.
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What units is the Total Test of 6.09 in? And how aboout your E2 of 12.7?

I gave you some suffers for your liver in Post #3.

Your prolactin looks OK, but it is weird that you are Lactating. I want to get the above units, but I am thinking that running some caber or Prami may not be the worst idea.

E2 - pg/ml
TT - ng/ml
FT - pg/ml

I found out what was wrong with my enzymes, i did more tests, found out that i had Hep Virus A and i have the antibodies aswell. So i somehow had the virus and my body fought it off and thats why the enzymes was flunctuating.
Whats caber and prami?