I've been reading all the posts about these NO products (thanks YellowJacket- good info you've put up) and I'm hoping someone can help me.
I work in a supplement store and I like to try things for awhile to see what they do for me. I find it hard to make a strong recommendation on any product I haven't had first hand experience with - if even for only a couple of months. So, while I'm happy with my creatine, glutamine and protein, I see all these new Nitric Oxide promoters coming into store week after week and I'd like to be able to give first hand feedback about them to my customers.
I do suffer from cold sores though, and even though I haven't had one in about 2 years, I don't want to be dealing with the public with a growth on my face. If I take a high dose of lysine at the same time as say, NO Explode, will the lysine do anything to counteract the action of the NO supplement? or vice versa? Does anyone have any experience or ideas?
Many thanks - I know I'm not a regular poster but I do lurk here a lot and I appreciate the knowledge you guys share.
I work in a supplement store and I like to try things for awhile to see what they do for me. I find it hard to make a strong recommendation on any product I haven't had first hand experience with - if even for only a couple of months. So, while I'm happy with my creatine, glutamine and protein, I see all these new Nitric Oxide promoters coming into store week after week and I'd like to be able to give first hand feedback about them to my customers.
I do suffer from cold sores though, and even though I haven't had one in about 2 years, I don't want to be dealing with the public with a growth on my face. If I take a high dose of lysine at the same time as say, NO Explode, will the lysine do anything to counteract the action of the NO supplement? or vice versa? Does anyone have any experience or ideas?
Many thanks - I know I'm not a regular poster but I do lurk here a lot and I appreciate the knowledge you guys share.