No PCT; shrinkage; doctor?


New member
Dilemma: Wanting to come off test e asap. 250 mg/wk in 2 doses.. 7 mo cycle. 180 5'10. No PCT on hand. Would a minor medical doctor prescribe clomid based on testicular shrinkage? Any suggestions?
Highly unlikely. Why not just go to the top of your screen and order Nolva and Clomid from RUI?

So if you chose to go on TRT why are you trying to come off after 7 months? TRT is typically for life.

Good luck getting your Natty T started up again. You may have a tough road ahead of you. What was your Total Testosterone at prior to going on TRT? And I take it you were not running hCG, this the shrinkage?

How old are you?