No PCT??

I've recently finished a 10 week cycle of sustanon 250 at 2ml a week and i couldnt get hold of any pct how bad is it not to take pct after a cycle??

not trying to hijack the thread, but what about testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) to the rescue? would it not work to grab some more Sustanon (sust) and go on a low dose while trying to sort out this crazy thing called pct?
not trying to hijack the thread, but what about testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) to the rescue? would it not work to grab some more Sustanon (sust) and go on a low dose while trying to sort out this crazy thing called pct?

it would certainly. but i fear this guy would fuck up a wet dream.. so more gear is prolly not the answer.
would this actually be any good rather then taking nothing??
Dude, use RUI if you can't get it anywhere else. Next time do your research or you are really going to mess yourself up.
Click on the lion at the top of the page bud. C'mon this stuff is not rocket science. Next time make sure you got all your shit together before even starting!
I've recently finished a 10 week cycle of sustanon 250 at 2ml a week and i couldnt get hold of any pct how bad is it not to take pct after a cycle??

If you didn't have your PCT on hand then you only had half of you cycle! Never should have started until all the goodies were in place.
Ok and if i can not get hold of post cycle therapy (pct) will this course me problems its been about 3 weeks since my last injection, would a Doctor prescribe it?

You can get PCT supplies through legal research suppliers. Do a search, there are many companies to pick from. Some good ones are sponsors of this very forum. Look around you'll find it.