Nolva Post Cycle..suggestions


Getting ripped
Hi guys!

I know this has been brought up a couple of hundred times...but haven't found the answer I'm looking here it goes.

I'm going to run a cycle consisting of 400mg EQ/week 10 weeks
and winstrol week 8-13 50mg EOD.

I'll be taking Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500ui/day the last 10days of my cycle with 20mg of nolva.

I'm considering to continue the nolva as a post cycle instead of clomid(heard bad stuff about acne when on clomid)

If I'm correct 20mg of nolva is equals 50mg of clomid....right?!!

So instead of doing the "normal" post cycle therapy (pct) with clomid I'll be taking =

6*20mg Nolva day 1
2*20mg Nolva next 10 days
1 20mg Nolva last 10 days

P.S I wont start the nolva "boost" until 2 days after my last shot of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) ...since that's the clearing time, right?

What do you suggest, is it a good way to go...anybody done it?

Thanks bro's!!

First off you can get acne just as bad on nolva. Thats b/c neither one actually cause acne, its caused by fluctuations in hormonal levels. Now if the clomid or nolva is doing its job you should get some sort of acne. As far as 20mg of nolva being equall to 50mg of clomid, I dont know. Last time I used nolva only I just did 40mg ed the first 2 weeks then 20mg ed for the last 1 week and it worked great. Now after doing both by themselves, I have decided the best way for me to recover is to use both.
bigdelt69 said:
First off you can get acne just as bad on nolva. Thats b/c neither one actually cause acne, its caused by fluctuations in hormonal levels...
That is correct.

A few nolva options are the one Elijah put up or (from a vet who has done this multiple cycles now):

"Day 1 - 40mg
Day 2 - 30mg
Days 3 thru 13 - 20mg
Days 14 thru 24 or until I'm chasing the girlfriend around the house with a boner, 24 hours/day - 10mg"
elijah_123 said:
That is WAY too much nolva post cycle.
Try this
Day 1-14 40mg/day
Day 15-28 20 mg/day

Actually if you do the math on your suggestion, total mg for therapy = 840 mg......compared to only 720 mg total Venom's way. So I don't know how you can say to him his way is way too much :confused: :confused:
StoneColdNTO said:
Actually if you do the math on your suggestion, total mg for therapy = 840 mg......compared to only 720 mg total Venom's way. So I don't know how you can say to him his way is way too much :confused: :confused:

You know your math buddy :D
Brock Landers said:
I use nolva only post cycle and do the following
Week 1: 40 mg/day
Week 2: 20 mg/day
Week 3: 20 mg/day

Im on my 3rd week of this now. BTW I seem to have way less post cycle acne than I did when I was on clomid. Feel aHelluva lot betta too!
so for the guys who use both clomid and nolva post cycle.........what dosage schedule for the clomid are you you change it up a bit from the tried and true (36pills) dosage when combining with the nolva?

Here is what I was thinking:

Day 1 300mg Clomid 40mg Nolva
Days 2-11 100mg Clomid 40mg Nolva
Days 12-21 50mg Clomid 20mg Nolva
Days 22-28 20mg Nolva (maybe 10mg?) should use some type of taper to avoid any possible estrogen rebound.

How about Ldex or Femera.........if you are currently using this during the you continue to use it right through your post cycle therapy (pct). I plan on doing so.

Any comments, opinions, criticisms??
J steel said:
...Here is what I was thinking:

Day 1 300mg Clomid 40mg Nolva
Days 2-11 100mg Clomid 40mg Nolva
Days 12-21 50mg Clomid 20mg Nolva
Days 22-28 20mg Nolva (maybe 10mg?) should use some type of taper to avoid any possible estrogen rebound....
Man that is a lotta anti-e each day!

Most guys I know of who use both use clomid and then nolva... maybe something like this:

armidex through out cycle and
PCT day one- 300mg of clomid
next 10 days 100mg
next 10 days 50mg
next 2 weeks 20mg nolvadex ED

...they may be using doses quite a bit bigger than what you're prolly into, however.