Nolvadex kills my strength


New member
Well I go t over the little gyno prob I had( thanks bros) and I find if I drop below 20mg's of Nolvi a day I start to get a sore nips again so It's obvious I have to stay at that dosage.. My only concern is my fucking strength is not the same before I was hittin the nolvi the same weight is like lifting a fucking truck. I know that everyone is different but has anyone else experienced this before with Nolvadex?? and what did you do?......later
Perhaps alot of your strength was do to an increased mechanical advantage due to bloating. If you lost some water weight, your strength could go down a bit. Thats the only thing i can think of off hand. Why not try and get some proviron, and see hopw that works. Proviron is an anti-estrogen, and also binds to sex hormone binfding proteins, there by freeing up more of the testosterone in your system. It is also an androgen which will harden you up. Hope that helps. Bump for more experienced guys.
I agree, water makes you stronger. Maybe you might wanna add some creatine, some sodium, lol. But in all seriousness taking some Proviron at 50mg ed, sounds like good advice(and drop the nolva.).
Kim the Swede said:
I wouldnt stop using nolvadex if you start to feel gyno.
No fun with tits

Thats my view on this as well. Would you rather put up a few less pounds or go up a cup size? To me, that extra strength is not worth gyno!
Maybe i was a bit vague. I suggest you start taking proviron at 50mgs a day. After about 5 days, back off the nolvadex and see if your nips start to bother you. If they dont, then you can stop with the nolva. If they still hurt, give it a little more time and try again.