Nolvadex post cycle therapy (pct) question


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Nolvadex pct question

Gonna do a 40mg dose for 14 days then a 20mg for 14-25 more days but just realized my tabs are 25mg, is it ok if I do 50mg for the first 14 then 25mg for the following 14-25 ? Or should I do 1 tab break one more in half then it would be about 37.5 mg and so on? Thanks guys
For post cycle therapy (pct) I get a pill cutter and the MTWTFSS pills box. I always get two of them and pre-fill one for the coming week then one more. This way if I don't want to read the my post cycle therapy (pct) chart I can just look at the pills on which days and match them up.

Just a little better than taking more one time and less another.
A pill cutter is a wise investment in this game. However, i agree with the above members, youre 100% fine at 50/25.