Nolvadex with/during cycle?

My fellow Brothers,

In my upcoming cycle i'm going to use

Tren 75mg eod
Test400 400mg per week

and running it for ten weeks,

I have Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and Nolva for my PCT.....

The Nolva is for the counter of gyno but would it be safe to use with the cycle or must it only be used after the cycle or must it only be used if there is any signs of gyno???

and is there any advantage of using Nolva during the full length of your cycle IE 20mg ed????
i'm pretty sure nolva will hinder gains bro....i'd only use it if i was feeling the symptoms of gyno.
here's what i got going...
1-10 test e 600mg week
1-4 dbol
3-12 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500iu week
6-12 tren ace eod 75mg
12-16 pct

As you can will start the post cycle therapy (pct) 2 weeks after you last shot of test e so what i'm doing is running the tren for two weeks after the test to fill that "waiting period" and i'll have one-two days off the tren before i start the pct. and I'm going to use novla, 60mg the first day then 40mg a day for two weeks then 20mg for the next two weeks and hopefully i'll be back up to snuff.
thanx as always Aczech!!

I might consider running my cycle the same as yours but will use...

1-10 Test400 400mg week
1-4 dbol (oxymetholone 50)
3-12 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500iu week
5-12 Tren Ace
12-16 post cycle therapy (pct) (same novla as yours)

Another quiestion though, would it be safe to use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in 12-16?? just to be on the safe side... 500iu as well a week

What do you think Aczech?????
you could run the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) from day one if you choose...but i don't think you want to be running it during post cycle therapy (pct) as it fights the same fight has the nolva i'd just be wasting money i believe.

as for the dbol...i don't know if i'll ever take it again as the lower back pumps are killer. I'll do a set of deadlifts and the lower back will be killing me. same if i do bent over rows, squats...shit even barbell curls.

Also...i'm using AIFM, it's a unique aromates inhibitor and helps with the bloating experienced from dbol. I took the first week without and felt so i'm up to about 4-6 pumps of it a day and it def helps and lowers the estrogen a little as well.
the actual product is called AIFM aromates inhibitor for men...i think Macro sells it, i forget the website. you can use it throughout the cycle if you have continued bloating from the test...but i doubt it's gonna be too neccesary for that purpose when the tren gets added
Will have a look and see where I can find it, thanx for the info!

In the previous posts you suggested that I shoot the test400 twice a week, are you suggesting that I fill me up with 800mg of test a week or just split the 400mg into 200mg on mon and then 200 on thurs??

Reason i'm asking is that I see myself as a novice in this game...

my stats are....
24 age
176 pounds
15-18% Bf
i would def take the test twice a week...with a minumum of 200mg per shot. maybe fill to .6 or .7 as this would be 240mg and 280mg respectively
Hi, Train Like An Animal!

You know I`m also just a Rookie like you. But trust me Nolva should alway be a part of your PCT. Some guys use Clomid.

Can`t wait to see you in the gym again the place is empty without you! So on behalf of me and everyone on the site good luck with your your recovery!

Just another interesting tit bit!!

Azcech suggested not to use Nolva during your cycle as he reckoned it will hinder your gains but is a good idea to keep them just in case there is any signs of gyno... but a def must for a pct.
Don't know if I'm talking out my ass. Since I'm new to the gear my self. I just did some nova during my cycle (like 4 times maybe every 5 days). Was that a waste?, do you think It held back my gains? or should I not touch the shit at all till after I'm done with the cycle. Thank God I have genes cause otherwise I'd be a pencilneck.
well, did you take it just to feel better about preventing gyno or did you actually have some itchy titties?

Train-like-an-Animal said:
Just another interesting tit bit!!

Azcech suggested not to use Nolva during your cycle as he reckoned it will hinder your gains but is a good idea to keep them just in case there is any signs of gyno... but a def must for a pct.

I disagree with some of whats being said. You really should read the profiles of Nolva, HCG, and Armidex.

Nolva is not as strong as Armidex, but it works for all types of gyno related sides. AI's don't work on Deca but Nolva does.

I use nolva during cycle only when I feel I need it. Maybe once a week or something. I've never had symptoms of gyno other than a little bloat.
I use it a little with Clomid during PCT.

And I don't understand what the fad is about using Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during cycle. All information states clearly to use it post cycle. Why would you want Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to trick your body into making its own testosterone during cycle. Thats why you use test in the first place. And there are clearly dangers of using too much HCG. It can have a negative effect if used too much.

Just my thoughts on the subject.