Non responder to Anadrol??????

I get gains from drol but I feel so much like total shit I will not even take it anymore. May sound silly but are you taking in enough cals man? If you have sides but not strength or mass often the culprit is inadequate calories.

Yes brotha, 1000 cal surplus. a good 5k a day. Ive gained weight, I just have yet to gain the crazy water weight.
Today was leg day and realized my strength has boosted. My skin is still tight, but after just squatting 405 below parallel my thighs were looking massive, i couldnt see my knees. I used to struggle on the leg press hitting 900 for 5, and I managed to throw in an extra 5 reps and a couple more sets. Not sure if this is the tren/sust or the Drol, or all three but the weights are feeling lighter, they even look lighter. One thing about me is that Im very impatient and I expect an oral to kick in immediately but Im going to stick thru with this cycle.

My fault for snapping and posting the rude comment, I was highly irritable at the moment. I appreciate all your feedbacks, and all help was taken into consideration.
Much respect, 0nyx.
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You asked what else was I running, I answered your question. Don't see the problem.

Neither did I until I saw your commentas I had been busy and haven't been on ology lately.

My only advice is it could just simply be that you do not respond to oxymetholone or it's taking a while to kick in, not everyone gets effects from orals straight away except for a mood change (hence why I don't mind dbol or a-bombs preworkout sometimes). Odd, but hey, some people don't respond to nandrolone whereas me I find it great to bulk on, better than test mg per mg. You may also not be feeling the drols effects due to the sustanon and tren which was why I asked my original question. How are you to differ the sides from tren and oxymeth... Quite similar, both make me aggressive. Not everyone bloats from dbol, or deca, not everyone gets anxiety from tren, not every gets gyno from test (fuck you I'm jealous lol!)... My point is, you may find you don't respond much or at all to compound A, but respond awesomely to compound B, even though for the majority they find it the other way around.

I don't get moonface from 30mg dbol and 500mg of Deca... Good. Be glad. Judging a steroids legitimacy can sometimes be like judging how high your e2 is by feel.

I know this message comes off as rude but trust me, I'm only here to help ya.
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maybe drol isnt for you. usually when someone gets nothing from an oral its mostly because its bunk but theres a good chance what you got is legit and your body just aint a fan. i on the other hand love drol. strength gets to an insane level but then dbol on the other hand does fuck all for me like what drols doing for you by the sounds of it.

it's funny how these things are......for example you having good luck with drol but not D-Bol. I'm the exact opposite. D-Bol makes me strong as hell, feel great with the only drawback being a little moon faced from the water retention. I've tried to combat the water, but doesn't work around the facial
area. no big deal to me anyway. quite sure my modeling career is over. oh yeah, it never started,,,well you know what I mean. :)
Finally some fucking helpful information for once.

glad I could help a little. you'll find in here people are trying to help but you gotta have thick skin sometimes. sometimes the way we deliver our points comes across a little harsh. nobody in here at least that I know will steer you wrong, but at the same time won't Roast you from time to time. I've been toasted, but it was deserved. keep your chin up brother, this is the place to be trust me.
I can't tell you for sure, but I did notice a fuller look for sure, better pumps and aggression after a week of running it but ended up stopping it. Now I use it maybe once a week max as a preworkout.

What else are you running atm?

is drol effective as a pre-workout bro?
is drol effective as a pre-workout bro?

Seems to give a bit of a better pump, little more aggression, feel warmer after training than usual... To be honest I find dbol far better pre-workout though because it gives a sense of well-being whereas anadrol your just a little more angry, I just don't have any on hand atm.
I dropped the anadrol for two days and got back on the next day and realized it actually makes more aggressive in the gym, like there is no stopping me (I dont know if its placebo), everything seems to be kicking in at the moment, I cant workout without my hoodie because Im starting to have this really mean face on, Ive been told I normally look intimidating or "mean" but now its on a whole 'nother level. The headaches went away, itll occur once a day but a very light pain that you can barely notice. My blood pressure is slightly above the norm. 121/72. As for water retention, absolutely nothing but I dont mind it, my fiance actually told me the other day that my face looked fat when she caught me smiling from a distance..just puffy cheeks, none of that nasty double chin action.. Strength is definitely up, pumps have never been this great, very skin splitting, and I have this complex that I can own everyone. I dont mean to, but I tend to stare everyone down. I can suppress the aggression, thats no problem, its the facial expression that I can not hold back. But nonetheless I like it & the women love it..think its all this testosterone oozing from me hahaha.