Non sterile oils


Knows whats up
PB and others who use this, i saw you posted a site where they have all those kinds of oils for sale for cheap.... can you just use that oil for converting powders and bake when everything is mixed, or do you need to bake the oil then mix the powder and oil, then bake again? i would think just mix non-sterile and bake at the end correct?
Also, i want to crimp my oven vials when i make the shit, so im gonna get the non-sterile vials... do i need to sterilize them before using them, cause they are gonna get baked in the end anyway...? Let me know if this process is ok
1. put powder in graduated beaker
2. Mix with non-sterile oil and put in 3% BA
3. Put oil in non sterile 10ml vials and put a stopper in each one...
4. put 25g needle in each stopper and bake all bottles for 1 hour at 275 degrees F
5. Let cool, take out and crimp

Please make corrections.... I appreciate the help!
Just make one big batch like this

All hormone/solvents/oil in a big vial, heat till she clears and filter into a nice big sterile vial. Bake the bitch and then you can distribute it into smaller vials as needed. The only reason id crimp is if I was trying to make my gear look professional with flip-offs and all that. Bro my vials are labeled with sharpies.
Oh, of course filter... but yeah.. i just forgot to put it...
FIlter into Little bottles, then bake all at once...
want to make them look good...
Why are you putting a stopper in and then a needle....??

Why not just bake with no stopper, and cap once finished....

I always put a sheet of tin foilo over the vials like a dome to prevent any thing falling in, and also you will be amazed at the brown gunk that it catches.... Better on the foil that all over the oven..

Also I wouldnt wait until they cool down.. Cap them while their hot to avoid unwanted nasties getting in....


Mini Me
panteracfh said:
Oh, of course filter... but yeah.. i just forgot to put it...
FIlter into Little bottles, then bake all at once...
want to make them look good...
And you were going to purge the filter right? Thats why you make 1 big batch, then put it into smaller vials.
Mini Me, i would put the stopper in with it because the stopper is not sterile, so why not bake that?
Doug... you think i should pull seperately for each bottle and purge each time? What would be your suggestion? Lets say im doing like 350ml, so like 35 bottles.... how many filters would i use you think and how should i go about purging each one?
i was thinking of just filtering into another big beaker and leaving out like 5ml of oil from the main mix to purge with and then dividing it into bottles, what do you think?
Most filters are rated for 50ml if you get a 25/30mm. If you get a filter flask you can filter a crapload of stuff at once, but the setup will cost a little bread unless you get all your stuff on eBay. Plus having dust in there and crap will be an issue without a true lab setup where you have materials at hand.

I have busted filters with far less than 50ml throughput though, even with a 10cc (12cc) syringe pressure seems to be a real problem, heat the stuff up and dont push very quickly at all. You are going to be doing a bit of labor here. I end up busting a filter and guess what goes into my fresh clean vial, all the crap the filter trapped.
panteracfh said:
Mini Me, i would put the stopper in with it because the stopper is not sterile, so why not bake that?
Doug... you think i should pull seperately for each bottle and purge each time? What would be your suggestion? Lets say im doing like 350ml, so like 35 bottles.... how many filters would i use you think and how should i go about purging each one?
i was thinking of just filtering into another big beaker and leaving out like 5ml of oil from the main mix to purge with and then dividing it into bottles, what do you think?
That sounds better, I personnaly can get over 100ml with each filter no problem, keep the oil hot and your good to go.
Mudge said:
Most filters are rated for 50ml if you get a 25/30mm. If you get a filter flask you can filter a crapload of stuff at once, but the setup will cost a little bread unless you get all your stuff on eBay. Plus having dust in there and crap will be an issue without a true lab setup where you have materials at hand.

I have busted filters with far less than 50ml throughput though, even with a 10cc (12cc) syringe pressure seems to be a real problem, heat the stuff up and dont push very quickly at all. You are going to be doing a bit of labor here. I end up busting a filter and guess what goes into my fresh clean vial, all the crap the filter trapped.
WEll, i emptied out a room special for this, so there will be no other substances interacting, plus i have a good size air purifyer there to get as much of the particles out of the air... i mean, its not nasa but that could only help lol.... Im going to look up the filter flask your talking about... see what i come up with...