Noob cycle questions eq tren to start and test mast to finish.


New member
I've got a good friend that is a very experienced source, and he roughly lined me out on a cycle. I just wanted to hear some advice on what you guys think.

I am 6'6" 285 currently and my goal is "cutting" he has me lined out for a 16 week cycle.

400 eq week 1-10
400 tren week 1-10
400 test week 10-16
?? Mast week 10-16

The weeks are approximate, as he wants to talk it out more, but I figured I'd go to you guys for a little extra advice. He hasn't filled me in on the mast dosage he was proposing. It will be my first cycle, but I'm a lifetime lifter/ offensive lineman, that no longer wants to be heavy. I'm looking to be moderately sized but working on the cut.

Any advice or problems you see would be great. thanks!
How old are you? Any cycle history? Bodyfat percent? If not that is a pretty crazy cycle for a first timer. Most guys start on test only to learn how their body responds. If you have issues and are running more than one compound you wont know which one is causing the problem.

What about ancillaries like aromatase inhibitors and dopamine agonists? What's you plan for PCT? Where, when and what are, mid and post cycle blood work will you be running? What advice is your buddy giving you for all this?

Just want to make sure you are staying safe as possible. All cycles have risks, but you want to mitigate them as much as possible.

P.S. How do your combine scores look? 40 time? How many reps of 225 lbs?
Sorry, forgot some info. I have no cycle history. I am 33. I was weighing in at 315 for the last half a decade and then cut down to 275. I held 275 for about 8 months, and then the holidays in addition to a job change added some cheese to get me back to 285. I would say right now I'm approx. 22-23% BF.

I planned on hitting it hard for another 3 weeks to get back in the full swing and get my diet back on track prior to my cycle. I also planned bloodwork after 2 weeks into dieting to get real numbers prior to the cycle.

I researched the hell out of a test cycle, and so I was a little unprepared for the cycle he proposed, so I'm diving into research again. Mast is new to me, and he was telling that it helps a lot with pct? Still unclear on that, but I was planning to use clom for my pct. any suggestions?

I'm far past my prime, but I ran a 4.96 at 315, I repped 24 on bench, and had 31" vertical. I had workouts with the big boys, but didn't make the show :( I then went on to play 8-9 years of semi pro for shits and giggles. I have finally hung up the pads and really want to focus on cutting weight and getting to a healthy/good looking weight
You definitely want to run a basic test cycle, as outlined in the "stickies" on this site. Even if you had more experience that cycle still doesn't make a ton of test the first ten weeks?

Mast would not help at all with PCT...and you can quote me. Would love to know his thought process behind that statement, not much science to back it up. Masteron is a steroid, albeit a mild one, so it is suppressive and will definitely not help with PCT.

Here's your cycle.

Week 1-12 Test Enth 500mg a week(split into two pins)
Week 1-12 Arimidex(liquidex) .25mg eod

Two weeks after last pin of test, begin PCT

Clomid 100/100/50/50
Nolva 20/20/20/20

Good luck man! Sorry the big times didn't work out, but I give you huge props for giving it a try!
Also, not bashing your Bf% since you said you were working on it, but to your "advisor", he should know that Mast will do next to nothing at that bf%. Really doesn't do much until you are at 10% or lower
Thanks for the info. I don't want to totally throw my buddy under the bus because he didn't fully explain to me what he was thinking, but I was reluctant to go for anything besides a test cycle for my first run, and now I'm back to thinking that!

Now that I'm doing more research I have been seeing a lot of people like the eq/trn/test cycle, so maybe I save that for my second cycle. Any experience with that combo?

I doubt I'll ever be a 10% bf guy. I would love to live in the 12-15% range!
Test/EQ/tren is a good cycle, assuming your blood doesn't get thick as sludge, but still, very excessive for a second cycle, not necessary. Test/EQ would be a good second cycle, or test deca.
Holy shit. Someone is going to be back in two months asking why they have tits...and why are they lactating....and why won't my cock work...your bf is way way to high. You're going to Fuck yourself up brother. You need to get your bf down naturally to at the very most 15%. Then you can cycle, but your should deff not take tren. This sounds like your friend doesn't know his shit. Once you get your day down then run test/eq at 500/1000. You'll love it, but if you cycle where you're're fucked.
Oh and tren isn't for a cycle, or even a third cycle. I am on run number eleven and I haven't done tren yet cuz it's going to require a wealth of knowledge. I'm doing it for my next blast and I'm still nervous. I didn't have to wait this long cuz I know my shit-for the most part-but I don't recommend anyone take tren until at least cycle number 5
Diet is the best thing you can do right now if your looking to cut. No reason to run any especially all those compounds at this point..good god.
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Well, u said it op. Your buddy is your source. He's trying to pump u full of bullshit and then sell u more bullshit. That's a crazy cycle for anybody. Your not even running test for the first ten weeks.. good luck-