Noob First Cycle (test only)


New member
I have been around the boards for a few months and after some feedback i decided to go away and do some research and speak to a few friends. I will leave my background info and training splits to the end of the post.

Week 1-12: 600mg Test C(Two pins of 300mg/week)
Week 1-18 12.5mg Aromasin ED, Adjust if needed/ or .25mg/day or armidex. Depending on source availability
Week 13 after last pin only running aromasin alone for 10 days.
Week 14 500iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) ED for 10 days
Week 15-16 first day 100mg clomid 40mg Nolva, then 50mg clomid 40mg Nolva ED
Week 17-18 clomid 50mg Nolva 20 mg ED

Creatine Ethyl Ester
High potency multi vitamin

Having an operation coming up in 5 months gave me a chance to see a nutritionist and get lots of ideas

Diet (30 mins cardio prior to breakfast)
Breakfast (7:30am)
3 Egg Whites = Protein 37.5 grams Calories 302 (approx)
Oats 100 grams = Protein 11 grams, 380 calories, 60 grams of carbs
Hot Water + Lemon (not counted)
Coffee (not counted)

Total for Breakfast
Protein 48.5 grams
Carbs 60 grams
Calories 682

Meal 2 (11am)
1 Tin of Tuna = Protein 27 grams, 113 calories
Brown Rice 75 grams = Protein 11 Grams, 265 Calories, 58 grams of carbs
Sweet corn 100 grams = Protein 3 grams, 80 calories, 13 grams of carbs
Broccoli (200 grams frozen) 90 calories

Total for meal 2
Protein 41 grams
Carbs 71 grams
Calories 556

Lunch/Pre work out meal (1pm-2pm)
1 Chicken Breast = Protein 20 grams, 97 calories
Brown Rice 75 grams = Protein 11 Grams, 265 Calories, 58 grams of carbs
Sweet corn 100 grams = Protein 3 grams, 80 calories, 13 grams of carbs
Broccoli (200 grams frozen) 90 calories

Total for Lunch/Pre work out meal
Protein 34 grams
Carbs 71 grams
Calories 532

Train (3pm-5pm) with 30 mins cardio

Post Work Out Shake
2 Scoops @ 32.7 grams each weighed = Protein 74 grams, carbs 8 grams
1 banana

Total for Post Work Out Shake
Protein 74 grams
Carbs 8 grams
Calories 379

Total daily protein intake
Protein – 197.5
Carbs - 210
Calories – 2149

I do have every other day alternates, such as replacing tuna with sardines, replacing rice with sweet potato and replacing chicken with smoked haddock, turkey and cod. But This post would be even longer than it is so they are omitted.

Current Age 29
Training history - From age 18 - 21 i trained very hard 5 times a week mixing up weights with 10k runs,fitness classes and 5-60k bike rides. took a few years off to travel, trained on and off between 24-26 and stopped for reasons i cant remember. I have been back training seriously now for around 8 months.

Body Stats
Height = 176cm
waist = 96cms
Body Fat % = 18
lean weight = 14.1kgs
total body weight = 78kgs
dry lean weight = 20.1
bmr/body weight (kcal/kg) 43.9
fat = 14.1kgs
bmi = 20

I started Kris Gethins 12 week hardcore body makeover, google it and it will be the first that comes up. I have been taking photos since i started back last year so if any is interested i will update here every week.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for the feedback. I have been on this diet plan now for about 2 weeks and i have found the morning to be the worst for extra calorie cravings. I start gear in 3 weeks after researching into carb depleting. Apparently you can gain 6 months muscle in 1 month by strictly adhering to the depletion plan.