Not been on here for a bit ..New pictures mid cycle first time tren


New member
Sorry steroidology life took its toll and iv neglected you for a bit!

Anyway in the middle of 400 mg tren ace 400 test p 400 mg masteron prop do in ed day jabs and just done 2 weeks of 50 mg dbol what I had left so thought it would give a little boost at first

Started training at 16 weighing a perfetic 150 pounds and currently at 22 today I'm 215 pounds

this is my first run with tren ace and wow where has it been all my life

This was after my first cycle a year ago 500 test e only

And this is me today in the middle of my curent cycle

Any advice suggestions criticism is welcome if you see something that needs more work please suggest or legs don't look great on there they are quite big tho I'm training them hard recently

Oh and I suffered absolutely no sides from this apart from setting a lot let took all my usual Adex, prami for 19norr should always use dopamine agonist for tren gyno can get bad for some people and running hcg etccc
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