Not enough calories???


New member
Quick question for anyone who has good dieting advice......
Still not having much success with my diet. Ive posted a couple threads regarding my calorie intake and Im still unsure about it. I recently switched up my training routine, and upped the intensity while sticking with freeweights and more power movements. I have been on my current diet now for about three weeks of about 1340 cals. a day.

MEAL 1: 1/2 cup oatmeal (pre workout) 1 scoop whey (post workout)
MEAL 2: 2 scoops whey, 5 fish oil caps
MEAL 3: 4 oz. chicken 1 cup brown rice 1 cup broccoli
MEAL 4: 4 oz. chicken, 4 oz. lettuce, 1/2 green pepper, 1/2 cucumber, 2 tbsp. rasberry vinagarette

Training 4 times a week, 30-45 min. cardio sessions after strength training

Ive noticed since Ive started a new training routine, Ive been unbelievably sore for days after, and Im not sure if Im getting enough calories. Should I add another meal???
Suareezay said:
this is a female. shes not trying to cram in 5000 calories. 4-5 meals is fine.

OP...whats your height/weight

it doesnt matter if shes a male or female....where did i mention eating 5000cals?

4 meals is a 16hr day.... wouldnt it be better to have a constant supply on food coming in and keeping her energy levels constant???
Eat it or Beat it!!! said:
it doesnt matter if shes a male or female....where did i mention eating 5000cals?

4 meals is a 16hr day.... wouldnt it be better to have a constant supply on food coming in and keeping her energy levels constant???
it takes 5-7 hours to digest a chicken breast. maybe if shes consuming nothing but whey and dextrose for every meal then i could see the need for so many meals for a constant energy source. 4-5 meals is fine, 7 meals is ridiculous. its not like 1 and a half hours after you eat a meal it just disappears and you have to eat again. if the human body were that inefficient we would have been dead a long time ago.

the 5000 cal reference came from the fact that the only reason anyone would need to eat more than 5 or 6 times a day would be because they wouldnt be able to fit that many calories into 5 or 6 meals. ie very few people.
Suareezay said:
it takes 5-7 hours to digest a chicken breast. maybe if shes consuming nothing but whey and dextrose for every meal then i could see the need for so many meals for a constant energy source. 4-5 meals is fine, 7 meals is ridiculous. its not like 1 and a half hours after you eat a meal it just disappears and you have to eat again. if the human body were that inefficient we would have been dead a long time ago.

the 5000 cal reference came from the fact that the only reason anyone would need to eat more than 5 or 6 times a day would be because they wouldnt be able to fit that many calories into 5 or 6 meals. ie very few people.

so for her height and weight is she getting enough calories? she was wondering if her cals might be too low and that may be contributing to her unusual muscle soreness.
i would eat at maintenence (~1900 cals) for around two weeks to restore hormone levels, then get back into dieting eating around 1500 cals.
Thanks Suareezay, That is what I have been telling her for the last month. I think she needs to hear it from people who don't know her.
She is going to have serious problems with metabolic slowdown if she does not remedy the problem now----

I thought that is what she was going to do the last time you posted this
DirkMoneyshot said:
She is going to have serious problems with metabolic slowdown if she does not remedy the problem now----
what would you recommend? anything different from what i suggested?
She is my gf and training partner and I have been telling her to go to maint cals since the last time we posted this but she is stubborn and she has busted her ass to drop the bf that she has dropped, so she wants as many opinions as possible before she ups her cals at all and gains some of her weight back. The more people that back up what I am telling her the better.