how long have you been on it and whats your diet like? Tren does not aromatize, so your not going to get a big jump in initial weight gain from water retention like other compounds (however you will get some intercellular water in the muscle , but we are talking a couple pounds is all).
you can cut on Tren , you can bulk on Tren . depends on you diet
how long have you been on it and whats your diet like? Tren does not aromatize, so your not going to get a big jump in initial weight gain from water retention like other compounds (however you will get some intercellular water in the muscle , but we are talking a couple pounds is all).
you can cut on Tren , you can bulk on Tren . depends on you diet
Im not making any weight gains.I took before and after pictures and my body does look different. However,the scale says otherwise. Any advice please?
What does the rest of your cycle look like? If you are not using test or some other AAS that will aromatize expect nothing but crashed E2.
You haven't given us enough information. Bunk gear perhaps. Then again the mirror is gonna tell you the gains.
Ad was said you may be losing a of water and fat , then replacing with muscle. As said since you are using Tren a 19 nor it will NOT aromatize so you will not get that initial water n fluid gain.
For you post Q's. You have not given us all your stats as I said. What is your history stats before and now. What is you BF%. So if he mirror shows muscle gain then your BF% should of changes.
Need to know more .
In short intervals you can loose BF% and water , gain muscle mass and weigh the same. How many pounds of LMM do you think you or anyone would gain with this cycle of yours??
Huh??Im not making any weight gains.I took before and after pictures and my body does look different. However,the scale says otherwise.
OkIm almost 100% sure tren is real because my hair is shedding like a tree in fall weather. On test only my hair doesnt fall out too much. Also my strength has gone way through the roof.In pictures I weigh the same but I look much much skinnier now.
Probably 8-10lbs depending on the person I would say.People overestimate how much muscle they actually gain.
Up the tren problem solved
A week? You're dreaming..maybe a month200 is on the very low end if you look "different" as in better maybe its working also could be underdosed. 100mg eod is the best cycle even for beginners. Not everyone gains weight but within a week you will look bigger and way better.